How to care for breast during pregnancy?

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Regardless of how much you are delighted to her pregnancy, unfortunately, the fears and anxieties of the last plan did not depart. And these fears are quite natural, however, you can anticipate some problems and take care of their decision. First you have to pay increased attention to their chest. Even the smallest of education during pregnancy may begin to grow, and undeleted fibroadenoma (benign tumors) can block the milk ducts, interfere with lactation in the future and cause mastitis or other dangerous diseases.

How to care for breast during pregnancy

1. Why necessarily need to see a doctor?

Unfortunately, many mothers are somehow missing their trek to mammologist. This visit is very important for the health of the expectant mother. The doctor can tell you much more useful information than just how to take care of the breast. Mammolog tells you how to start breastfeeding, so as to avoid injury and other nipples other very important life moments that every mother should know. And more importantly, he will examine you! 
If any problems occur in women under 40 years, he will send her to a breast ultrasound. If a woman has more than 40, the doctor usually sends immediately urged her to do a mammogram.

Generally this procedure must pass every woman, and, as it is very stressful for the body, you must do it for two or three months before pregnancy.

You must go to mammologist if:

you already had several abortions or miscarriages;
you had or still have some problems related to the violation of the thyroid gland, cystic ovaries, uterine mother, breast fibroadenoma;
Your first pregnancy occurred after 30 years.
Your breast is a very vulnerable place on your body that requires special care during pregnancy.

2. Sunburn

Mammology not recommend sunbathing with naked breasts as intense sun exposure is very bad for her delicate skin. Be very careful when taking a sunbath during pregnancy and lactation. First, exposure to the sun can be harmful, and secondly, it can lead to dark spots.

3. Chest hair growth during pregnancy

Many women are very much concerned about the growth of hair on the chest during pregnancy. If they annoy you, get rid of them carefully, protecting the skin from inflammation and irritation potential.

4. Underwear for increasing breast

Wearing a very dense and tight underwear during pregnancy can seriously affect the chest, as she is now quite unstable period, it is growing, preparing for the process of feeding. Breasts increase in size and weight, so you definitely need to pick up a comfortable bra that would keep her well, not shrinking. You have to stop wearing your old bras and buy new, the most convenient and functional. Choosing the right bra is directly related to the fact she then droop or not.

5. Treating Breast

You probably have already heard about the tips that you need to wipe your nipples with a towel. Practice shows that this type of treatment is often irritating to the skin and nipple causes cracks in anticipation of breastfeeding. Furthermore, this treatment stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone which causes a reduction in the womb. After birth, this process helps to restore the uterus during pregnancy, but you can cause your child to the real harm. This increases the tone of the uterus and can cause premature labor.

Hardening of the breast can be useful only if you are completely quenched. Many studies have shown that this method did not improve lactation, so that the meaning of breast dousing with cold water no-no.

And you have already taken place as a mom? Tell us about your experiences in this issue! How you care for breast during pregnancy?

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