Tips for hair care in summer

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Protect your hair by learning these tips for hair care in the hot summer we are living. At this time the hair is exposed to damage and weaken, but do not worry because here  learn how to rescue him.

7 Forget the trowel

In times where it's warmer, when the iron our hair is exposed to much frizz, but not least this is not as normal as it is even more noticeable. Give shape to your hair with a styling cream that is ideal for your hair type, whether smooth or curly.

6 Apply to your hair sunscreen


Screens or sunscreens strictly capillaries care your hair to be more resistant to heat.And if your hair is dyed helps retain color and does not degrade.
All you have to do is find a product claiming to have UV protection.

5 Provide nutrients to the hair


The protein and hair vitamins strengthen hair, making it not degrade and become too thin to be broken.
Experts say that to know if the hair is in poor condition must pull a hair soft and if you notice that stretched without breaking is that the structure of your hair is damaged.

4 Choosing keratin treatments

The surfaced treatments and hair restoration allowed to start the summer with a strong, healthy, healthy hair, so that as the season goes by you can enter the pool with lower chances of hair damage or breakage.
These treatments are not as expensive without good summer weaken its effects will certainly your hair with less damage.

3 Consider one thinning hair

If you do not want to cut your hair because you like her long, but notes that the tips are weak, opaque and even some strands of the points are open, you may want to consider the option of thinning hair. It is the technique in which clean your hair tips only.

2 Protect your hair from chlorine

For the chlorine in pools not massive attack your hair, always remember to wash it with clean water before entering the pool and do not forget to apply a little conditioner. His silicones protect your hair even if you do not use a swimming cap.

1 Combing your hair instead of brushing

Brushing hair can abuse him more than if she combs. This, of course, especially in warmer climates. And if you're wet, comb it gently and without haste.
Start implementing these tips! Give your hair the best care, because as you know hair, like your whole presentation, talk about yourself.

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