Ink lake

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In the town of Sidi Bel Abbes, who is in Algeria, has an unusual body of water, which is clearly not suitable for fishing, not least because it is completely filled with ink, which can be safely used for writing.

Ink lake

Scientists have long tried to solve the riddle, and that was most recently found the answer. It turned out that the appearance of the ink in the lake - the result of the merger in this body of water of the two rivers, one of which is the source of a huge amount of iron salts, and another - organic compounds found in the peat bogs. Thanks that's such a "tandem" appeared quite natural inkwell, whose history is shrouded in a huge number of legends.

Ink lake

Locals love to tell the story of what was once their town bought the dark forces of the soul alive. Then one day, signing a contract, they have run out of ink, so they decided to leave their positions in such an unusual way. Opinions people about the origin of the strange lake, which they like to call ink or ink, divided. Some consider him the tricks of evil and try to even close to it, but the more daring, failing to establish a business, earn money on it now. There are those who would prefer to see in the lake plain water, because the climate in these places is very arid, so drinking water would not be a hindrance.

Ink lake

In fairness it should be noted that the quality of the ink in the lake is high enough, so they are sold not only in Algeria, but also in many other countries. Tourists also take great pleasure from the locals various souvenirs made ​​out of natural materials. Yet scientists warn everyone to see this natural wonder that for a long time to be near such an unusual and interesting attractions can be dangerous, because there is a huge possibility get serious poisoning acrid fumes.

Ink lake

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