7 Natural tricks to whiten underarms

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In summer sleeveless garments dominate our wardrobe and want to look nice and fresh. But it is not uncommon to have to deal with a symptom that although not a health problem, is a cosmetic concern for many women: we speak of the dark underarms .

The causes can be many: the presence of alcohol in deodorant products, shaving excess or prolonged use of depilatory creams, or accumulation of dead skin cells.

we give  natural underarm whitening tricks .


7 Choose natural deodorants

Some deodorants contain ingredients that create chemical reactions in the skin resulting in halos of dark skin in the armpits . Try using deodorants are made ​​with natural ingredients .



Renew the top layer of skin and remove dead cells is a step to clarify the armpits . Use a loofah to exfoliate to bathe and clean the area, also using an exfoliating product containing lactic acid microparticles, an optimal ingredient for exfoliating the skin .


5 Whiten with Lemon and Yogurt

Lemon has antibacterial and naturally exfoliating properties, making it an excellent natural way to whiten underarms . Prepare a mixture of lemon juice with a few teaspoons of yogurt, apply to underarms and let stand 10 minutes before removing with water.


4 Treatment with potato

The potato may act as a skin whitening agent due to their natural acidity. Apply potato slices in the armpits and let them dry. Then rinse with warm water.

Another way to whiten underarms using potatoes and grate is used to apply the extracted juice in the area. You can repeat this treatment regularly.


3 Cucumber skin whitening

Cucumber is a natural bleach that acts similarly to potatoes so. Rub a slice of cucumber or a paste prepared with processed cucumber, turmeric powder and lemon juice in the armpits .

Leave for an hour and then rinse.


2 Baking soda, natural bleach

Baking is one of the best natural remedies for underarm whitening obscured. Prepare a mixture of baking soda and water to form a paste and apply in the armpits, rubbing gently.

In addition to whitening skin in the area, this preparation will remove dead skin cells.


No. 1 Coconut oil to lighten armpits

The coconut oil contains vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant and naturally lightens the underarm skin . A daily massage underarms before bath or shower with coconut oil visibly reduce dark haloes on the skin. Massage for ten to fifteen minutes and then rinse with warm water to bathe or shower. Coconut oil also acts as a natural deodorant.

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