How to buy sunglasses to protect the eyes

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When buying sunglasses, cosmetic issue should be the least important: protecting our eyes is the priority.

How to protect our eyes with sunglasses

The eyes are one of the most important organs for any human being from the social point of view. Through them we are often the first contact with someone or something, are a way of ceaseless input and will allow us to know what is happening around us.

Therefore, it is necessary to properly protect them, especially from solar radiation, to avoid such problematic diseases like macular degeneration, conjunctivitis or even a premature cataracts.

The sunglasses we can provide that much needed protection for our eyes, therefore it is essential that we are careful in the choice of our sunglasses, because sunglasses that do not provide the required quality levels can affect damages sometimes can not be repaired.

Advice when buying sunglasses

When we plan to buy a pair of sunglasses , the first thing we need to pay attention is your level of protection.

The first thing we will show is the CE mark, which consists of a strong European Union to verify the quality of those products to become sold in their territory.

Then we will advise on the protection filter most recommended depending on what we want our glasses. Filters are applied to the crystals and vary on a scale of 0 to 4, from lowest to highest protection. Also, we look at how these crystals have been treated as they can be polarized, photochromic, mirrored or antiglare. Each of these types of treatment have a different function, so the mirrored they are suitable for the practice of sports in the snow and high mountains or the photochromic when will cycle through environments with different lighting so that gradually change its tinted.

Finally, we will find the color of the crystals that apart from clichés of fashion or design, are more important than they appear to our sight.

In short, if we take care of our eyes from ultraviolet rays should purchase sunglasses from a reliable source, either in physical stores or on the web , but never at flea markets or places where they can not ensure the required quality.

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