8 household uses beer

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This drink is great for loosening screws or trapped roaches
Did you know that beer can be a great ally when rebels loosening screws or fertilize some plants? Get reading this note all household uses you can give to this elixir of barley, yeast and hops.

While it is a drink, the uses can have beer in the house are actually many very useful. For example, it can be an excellent alternative to disperse pesky bugs, improve the appearance of wood or your lawn and many other things. For this reason, be sure to surprise with the uses to which it can give the beer in household 

Here are eight tips for using beer homey issues:

  1. Distract bees and wasps: If you go to a meeting in your garden, put beer in cups or dishes around. It attracts bees and wasps that will not disturb your guests or you. Remember it is not a long term solution, but it is temporary, to have a good time.
  2. Roach trap: Put a piece of bread soaked in beer in a jug smeared with Vaseline mouth thereof. Cockroaches are attracted to, and shall not leave.
  3. Trap slugs and snails: Protect your garden by placing cups or dishes with beer around it overnight. In the morning you will find the slugs and snails drowned in beer, as they have been attracted by the aroma. The best thing about this trick is that you can use the same liquid to evaporate.
  4. Fertilizer for indoor and outdoor plants: The sugars in beer can dramatically improve the appearance and health of your flowers and plants. For indoor plants, place a small amount mixed with water in the base to absorb necessary.
  5. Farewell to brown spots on the lawn: The fermented sugars feed the grass and, most importantly, the acids in beer kill fungi and pests.
  6. New wood furniture: Rub gently with a cloth on the surface to restore the enamel and the color is greatly improved.
  7. Glittering gold jewelry: Put your jewelry soak in a dish with beer a few minutes, depending on how dirty they are. Then rinse and polish with a dry cloth.
  8. Loosen rusty bolts: The acids in beer can get to dissolve the oxide to remove the screws easier.

Also, for example, beer can be great for straight hair , among other things. These tricks can be done with root beer with no problem, since they are the components of the drink, no alcohol, having these properties to combat problems at home. Be sure to try these other tricks and tell us if you know!

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