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Black tomatoes. The kumato tomato.

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Looking at the black tomatoes , also known as kumatos tomatoes , do not be intimidated by its color and strange appearance, these black tomatoes could have great potential to prevent muc has diseases. Fruit is not transgenic and the resulting product of genetic engineering. This is a consequence of selection techniques, research and mixing of different varieties using conventional and natural methods . The black tomato born in the Mediterranean in the Spanish city of Almeria in the 70s.

This tomato variety has a high content of anthocyanins and lycopene, the first is an antioxidant that is believed, could help fight cancer, diabetes or obesity. Turn the black tomato assists lower cholesterol levels in the body. His black hue is due to pigments in the skin that develop when exposed to sunlight.

For kitchen black tomato texture is crunchy, it tastes sweet, juicy and extremely nice. Their prices are high so it is not a fruit of mass consumption.

Ecological bridge "ecoduct" (Netherlands)

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The ecoducts , ecological bridges or green bridges are wildlife crossings on major roads, highways or major rail lines. These are adapted vegetation that interfaces with protecting habitats for wildlife. 
approach In the pictures below the ecoduct displayed on the A50 motorway in the Netherlands (Holland).

The ecoducts are part of so-called biological corridors, which are areas of recovery or regeneration of fauna and flora, usually belonging to forests that have been degraded as a result of afforestation. These really extensive forest cover were in perfect balance before the arrival of humans and anthropogenic effects.

Pictures of dust storms in the desert.

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How do sandstorms occur? , sandstorms in the desert occur when cold fronts collide with fast dry air with winds reaching 80 km / h. 
flows storms crawl walls sand-kilometer and altitudes exceeding 500 meters. They take people off guard populations near deserts, which are the product of blind blowing sand and into the lungs of passersby. 
Bringing stunning photographs of sandstorms in the desert .

The world's most dangerous job.

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In the video below you can see an electrician has to climb a 539 meter antenna tower Burj Khalifa (Khalifa Tower or) Dubai suffers every time this electric damage.

The worker has to reach the top of the antenna where the light has to fix point, carry a tool bag. Almost never used the carabiner to speed up the journey.

The physical condition of these repairers antenna is enviable, as the value of these. Go through electrical boxes on their way to the top. From the heights can see the landscape around it.

The picture from the top is really creepy. Worth the full video if you do not suffer from vertigo.

The two largest flowers in the world.

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The Amorphophallus titanum and Rafflesia arnoldii are the two flowers over large the world . Both are Magnoliophytas and from Indonesia.

The first one the Amorphophallus titanum (Picture above, if the picture you can not see the amazing shapes video Amorphophallus titanum down all) known as Giant or Bunga Bangkai Aro is the world's largest flower reaching about 3 meters high and about 80 kilos of weight. Also called "Corpse Flower", gives off a foul smell to the extent that it is difficult to approach her. This exchange which attracts insects to pollen. The Giant Aro was discovered on the island of Sumatra (Indonesia) by Italian-born botanist Odoardo Fellows.

The Rafflesia arnoldii (see image below also view it in the video), the world's second largest flower was discovered by Thomas Stamford Raffles and Joseph Arnold on the same island as before. Its flower reaches a meter in diameter weighs about 11 kilos. Their flowers come out every few years, and this plant is parasitic. She photosynthesis but does not generate feeds parasitizing trees which draws its nutrients.

Video of Amorphophallus titanum: The world's largest flower.

The World's largest snake.

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The longest snake in the world is called Guihua measures almost 15 meters and weighs about half a ton. If Leistes well, but to be accurate their figures are 14.85m in length and 447kg in weight.

Guihua is of Indonesian origin and was captured on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. One is a Pythonidae pitónida the family, commonly known as dowels. Pythonesses unlike boas give live young but not laying eggs.
They ambush their prey and choke constriction, are not poisonous or perhaps they do not need to be because of their powerful muscular strength.
Watch this video of a pretty big girl piton to give you an idea of ​​what we're talking about.

Guihua can rest easy that lives in a park in Indonesia which is not going to walk around the corner of your house, was baptized by the rangers under the name of a flower called Guihua.

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Pictures of Guinness World Records most amazing

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The longest tongue Planet

longest tongue

Chanel Tapper, Guinness Record for the person with the longest tongue Planet

The biggest hair afro

biggest hair afro

Aevin Douglas, Guinness Record for the person with the biggest hair afro

 The dog with bigger ears

dog with bigger ears

Harbor, the dog with Guinness bigger ears

World's largest towel

largest towel

Guinness Record for world's largest towel

The world's largest ice cream cone 

world's largest ice cream cone

Guinness ice cream cone at the world's largest

World largest violin

largest violin

Guinness World Record largest violin

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber, the Guinness Record online video most watched in history

Most dogs jump rope

Most dogs jump rope

Guinness Record for most dogs jump rope

13 foods for a more beautiful smile

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The smile is, in fact, the business card of a person. Exactly why she should spare no effort to keep it always beautiful!

Regular dental visits are the first step to ensure healthy teeth and therefore nicer. However, other care in daily also make a difference.

Mario Groisman, Dentist Rio de Janeiro (RJ), member of the Brazilian Academy of Dentistry, the American Academy of Periodontology, and the author of Reconstruction and Aesthetics with Implants: A Clinical Approach, emphasizes that a proper hygiene is the key to ensuring more teeth Cute and white. "Nowadays there are toothpastes that make use of active ingredients that help in whitening. An example is the Pro-Health Toothpaste Oral B, "he says.

Avoid habits such as smoking and consumption of food and beverages with pigments such as coffee, tea, red wine, cola, acai, among others, is also essential to ensure a whiter smile.

And the good news is that there are also foods that can contribute to a more beautiful smile! "There is no food to let them properly whiter teeth, but cleaner, yes. A more fibrous food such as apple and carrot, partially helps in cleaning teeth, "says Mario Goisman.

Below you can see a list of some foods - including apple and carrot - you can leave your most healthy, clean and therefore more beautiful teeth:

1. Carrots

Products like crunchy raw carrots force you to chew more often than when eating a softer food. And it stimulates the production of saliva, which keeps the mouth hydrated and helps remove plaque.

2. Apple

Foods that may offer health benefits to the teeth, apple is the best known. It provides an average of 4 grams of fiber and, being fibrous, helps clean teeth, plus stimulate salivary flow.

3. Cheese

The cheese contains a milk protein called casein, besides being rich in calcium and phosphorus ... All this contributes to the repair of tooth enamel.

4. Celery

This is also a food with high fiber content and it requires quite chewing, which collaborates with teeth cleaning.

5. Salmon

Salmon has calcium and vitamin D, which makes them strong and healthy teeth.

6. Spinach

It is rich in fiber and is a natural cleaning teeth, also increasing the salivary flow. Some studies also indicate that oxalic acid in spinach may interfere with the absorption of this calcium in milk and dairy products.

7. Strawberry

The fruit, as well as tasty, it can help keep the cleaner and hence beautiful teeth. Strawberries contain malic acid, a natural astringent that helps remove stains, plus vitamin C, which helps fight plaque buildup.

8. Pear

As the apple is a fruit rich in fiber, which helps to naturally clean teeth. It also increases the flow of saliva, which defends teeth against cavities and gum disease.

9. Cucumber

The food produces saliva which, when combined with natural fiber food helps clean teeth naturally and removes bacteria.

10. Broccoli

Broccoli contain iron and calcium, which together form a barrier that protects the tooth enamel.

11. Para-nut

The oils contained in Brazil nuts help protect the teeth, reducing the ability of bacteria from sticking to them.

12. Egg

The egg helps protect teeth against caries installation. So it is recommended for those who want to leave them stronger and therefore more beautiful.

13. Water

Water is essential for the proper functioning of our body and is also important for the mechanism of cleaning teeth.

With these tips is easier to take care of your teeth. But remember that your regular dentist visits and daily hygiene - which includes brushing, use of dental floss and fluoride as vocational guidance - are key to keeping your teeth clean, healthy and beautiful.

7 Interesting facts about perfume

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Everyone has at least one good perfume at home ... He that is worn on special occasions and that probably says a lot about your personality.

But few people stop to think about creating a perfume, to which it owes its uniqueness, in which parts of the body is most recommended pass it etc.. And - it seems not! - But this and other information about perfumes can be quite useful in their day to day!

So if you are also passionate about perfume, it's worth taking a few minutes out of your day to read the information below and curiosities:

1. The exclusivity of a perfume

Have you ever stopped to think where exclusivity comes a perfume? What differentiates one from another?

Alessandra Tucci, perfume expert and founder of Perfumery Parallel, advisory working strategy, innovation and culture of perfumes and holds the exclusive license school French perfumery Cinquième Sens in Brazil, explains that the perfume is made by a perfumer and it is composed a series of materials both natural and synthetic. "The technical knowledge associated with the artistry of the perfumer to combine the ingredients used is the differential at the time of the creation of a perfume" he says.

2. The best places to splash perfume

Alessandra Tucci explains that the best parts of the body to pass the perfume are: neck, between her breasts, wrists and even a drop behind the knees. "That's because they are places of great circulation, which facilitates the diffusion of perfume," he says.

3. Perfumes related to seduction

Are there even aphrodisiac scents! Alessandra explains that, in fact, was never proven anything in this regard. "Much is made of pheromones, but nothing has been scientifically proven," he says.

However, the expert adds, gourmand fragrance with notes of vanilla and chocolate scents with notes of pepper and nutmeg or perfumes containing sensual floral notes like jasmine and tuberose, spend a connotation of sensuality and seduction.

4. Too much perfume can cause headache?

Alessandra points out that this is another controversial topic about perfumes, but has no scientific proof. "But there is a common sense that some people are more susceptible to headaches when exposed to certain smells and can be perfume or other substances such as gasoline, paint, etc.." He explains.

5. The relationship between domestic and imported perfume

Alessandra Tucci explains that Brazilian perfumery is younger than the international and was consolidated from the 90s, acquiring their own creativity, as Brazilians perfumes are developed taking into account the preferences of local consumers and the climate of our country .

"The Brazilian perfumery, as well as fashion and other market segments undoubtedly observed trends of international perfumery and socio-cultural movements, from there to create perfumes for the Brazilian market," he adds.

6. You can wear perfume, deodorant and moisturizer?

There is no harm in using your deodorant and fragrance, as the scent of the deodorant dosage is low and evaporates quickly.

"The moisturizer, since with a mild or neutral perfume can be applied to the skin before moving perfumes, as it helps even the permanence of the perfume on the skin - since hydrated skins help to fix the fragrance," says Alessandra.

7. It is normal to have difficulties to smell your own perfume

It is very common to hear reports from people who say they are not feeling the good smell of her perfume.

This is because it is believed that from the moment you get used to the fragrance that you use most often, you will only smell it when you spray it or when they consciously try to pay attention to her.

Have other people usually feel the smell of her perfume. So it is a warning: do not exaggerate advances in the application of fragrance. Has the habit of always applying the same amount applied once started using the product.

Now you know: no exaggerations time to move your favorite scent! And, we expect a better fixation of the fragrance, remember to spend a mild moisturizer before applying it. These and other tips and curiosities can be quite useful in their day to day!

Foods containing phytoestrogens

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The phytoestrogens are a number of plant compounds that give the body effects similar to those provided estrogen, decreasing the risk of some cancers and protecting you against osteoporosis. Today Another Medicine will give you information on what are the foods that contain phytoestrogens so you can include them in your daily menu.

Nuts and seeds

These foods are a great source of phytoestrogens . Flax and other seeds contain large amounts of this compound and also find phytoestrogens also in sesame seeds, in pistachios, sunflower seeds in in the chestnuts , almonds, barley, brown rice, nuts, among others.


The soybean is another great source of phytoestrogens , you also find that their derivatives such as tofu and soy milk also contain this compound. You'll find phytoestrogens in large quantities in lentils, beans, chickpeas and peas.

Fruits and vegetables

Some of the fruits and vegetables you consume daily are a high source of phytoestrogens . Among them you will find the dates dried, dried apricots and prunes. We also find fresh fruit like peaches, pomegranates, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. As for vegetables, phytoestrogens are present in pumpkin, broccoli, cabbage, fennel and onions.

Fruits and vegetables

Some of the fruits and vegetables you consume daily are a high source of phytoestrogens . Among them you will find the dates dried, dried apricots and prunes. We also find fresh fruit like peaches, pomegranates, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. As for vegetables, phytoestrogens are present in pumpkin, broccoli, cabbage, fennel and onions.

You see, Mother Nature is very wise and gives us phytoestrogens in different types of vegetables and fruits so that we can prevent certain diseases such as cancer, bone disorders such as osteoporosis and vascular disease because they decrease the presence of bad cholesterol or LDL, to have a better quality of life.

Tell us Do you do foods containing phytoestrogens usually? Do you know other than those mentioned in this article?  

Top 5 Amazonian fruits

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The Amazonia is characterized by lush vegetation that includes a large number of indigenous fruits with large beneficial health properties. Then, we'll show what are the 5 best Amazonian fruits and what benefits they bring to your health. 

Passion fruit

The  passion fruit  is an Amazonian fruit that grows on vines and has great nutritional and health benefits. The passion fruit leaves are used to create a tea to calm the nerves. It has large amounts of potassium, iron, calcium, fiber and carbohydrates. In addition, this plant is the basis of many culinary preparations such as ice cream, jams and fruit drinks.


The acai palm berries grow in clusters on the upper branches of the tree and have a lot of antioxidants. This Amazonian fruit contains a variety of properties among which include increased energy, skin rejuvenation and also provides a feeling of fullness due to its large amount of fiber, so it is ideal for diets . Consuming acai berries will help lower cholesterol so avoid cardiovascular disease.


The camu-camu is an Amazonian fruit that grows on orange shrubs whose leaves are feathery. This fruit ripens when the water level of the Amazon river is at its highest point. It has a high content of vitamin C which makes it ideal to prevent colds and gum problems like scurvy.


The bacaba also called turu, is dark red or purple and grows on tall trees over 20 meters tall. This Amazonian fruit is perfect for treating problems of diarrhea, nausea and to treat malaria, a disease typical of that area.

Strawberry Guava

This Amazonian plant also known as Peruvian guava can exceed 20 meters high, has bright green leaves and its flowers are white. The fruit is dark red and has a similar but slightly strawberry milder flavor. In addition to its antioxidant properties, strawberry guava is used for a variety of culinary preparations especially ice cream, jams and liqueurs.

You see, there are endless Amazonian fruits to taste with various properties. Tell us Do you usually eat any of them? Do you know any other Amazonian fruit to recommend? 

Yin and Yang Meaning

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The Yin and Yang in Feng Shui

The Yin represents the feminine, repose and Yang the masculine movement.
For Chinese sages of antiquity Yin and Yang are born of "Wu Chi", the Tao, the original steam this figure represented by a perfect circle, a uterus, an unfertilized egg, a great void.

Once fertilized (the Big Bang, the beginning of the universe) comes the first expression of life, "Tai Chi" or Yin and Yang, two forms of energy interact in the universe as they grow and divide the circle into two halves together Yin (black) and one Yang (white).

Each side is a time of change, the transition from Yin to Yang's "Creation" and the transition to Yin Yang is the "Return". The representation of Yin and Yang, two independent means balancing energy in motion. These forces are present all around us.

The Yin is the feminine, earth, moon, night, shadow, stillness, descending it, so moving, the cold, the soft.
The Yang is masculine, sky, sun, day, light, activity, movement, upward, hot, how hard.

The Yin (rest) and Yang (movement) generate constant cycles of change in which each becomes the other, when the Yin Yang and vice versa (interaction) appears wanes.

This interaction generates energy emanations that give life to all beings. We can see this interaction in nature for example in the form of the 4 seasons, the yang is reflected in the summer and yin in the winter chill.

In modern representation of Yin and Yang, the black dot in the white part indicates that exists within the Yin Yang and vice versa.

The Yin and Yang are relative and not absolute. They emerge from the Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang.

The Yin and Yang in turn emerge Movement and Stillness. In Feng Shui, Ying and Yang has a different conception which explain in school forms.  

Reveal that Hitler and Napoleon Franco had one testicle.

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Recently declassified documents reveal that Hitler and Napoleon Franco had one testicle. 

The fact that Napoleon Bonaparte had only one testicle was always known to historians, it was not known and gave birth recent documents is not only Napoleon but also Hitler and Franco also had only one testicle . 
A document declassified in 2008 found it I had always been a rumor, Hitler had only one testicle and what the other lost in the battle of Sommer in 1916. What once was British propaganda in World War II, went on to be confirmed by the declassification of a document that chronicles the conversation between the German doctor Johan Jambor and his priest, Franciszek Pawlar. A paragraph of that describes the 
 following: " His abdomen and legs were covered in blood. Hitler was injured in the abdomen and lost one testicle. His first question was whether he would be unable to have children . " 
Franco Meanwhile, journalist José María Zavala gave details in his latest book of Franco and the loss of a testicle unleashed in a battle in Africa in 1916. 
The test is based the testimony of Dr. Ana Puigvert granddaughter urologist Franco (Antonio Puigvert), which confirmed that it lost a testicle in the war in Africa, to be precise this would have happened in near Ceuta by June 1916.

Which smartphone is better: QWERTY or Touchscreen?

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One who is interested in buying a smartphone , you should not only consider the exterior design, price and make it simple and easy to use is essential. There are 2 types of devices smartphones : those with the touchscreen , Call touchscreen, and those with physical keyboards. presence of either determined as the smarphone will be handled by tapping directly on the screen or pressing keys and buttons. There are several important differences between the two devices . What may be helpful for one person may not be right for another.


The touchscreen is very easy to use . You only have to touch any of the buttons and menus visible in it. The screen is large, and therefore, it is convenient for those who have difficulties to see the screen. It's the kind of perfect for anyone who enjoys media assets such as photos and interface videos . We also find people who need to use a stylus (pen), that way both hands are kept busy. Such devices usually are larger and heavier, because of the screen size. Typical battery life is less and the most powerful, and the extra features and the high brightness of the display processor.

Physical keyboard 

are basically 3 types of devices with physical keyboards on the market . The alphanumeric, with the number keys and function as letters too, QWERTY, with a key for each letter of the alphabet, and the slide, which opened a side show a full keyboard. Alphanumeric look like cell phones common fit in any pocket and call less attention to the theft. Besides that, they are usually the cheapest. few QWERTY will have very cramped keyboards and people with big fingers experiencing an annoying and uncomfortable difficulty in using. Alphanumeric keyboards tire more to those who need to write much , and end up using methods given input word, like the famous T9 a software arguably guesses the word you want to write. must evaluate the pros and cons of each of them. It is best to do a "test drive". Go to the store and take the device, type something, test! Currently both teams are very popular with both screens touch screen or keyboard QWERTY . 's why you have to know that you only discover your comfort with the product by testing, do not buy it before risking your investment disappoint.

How to Clean the touchscreen displays

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Touch screens are present in many different teams, and because of the constant contact that requires that technology often more obviously dirty and stained that the "common" screens. Therefore, it is required more frequent cleaning; but often the cleaning is done improperly, staining and ruining the screen. should be borne in mind that many of the touch screens as well as beautiful and modern are delicate , not for those that have Gorilla Glass technology offering protection against scratches, dust, etc.

Cleaning a Touchscreen display

To clean large screens, such as those of touch screen monitors, only a cotton cloth and one microfiber needed.

With the former dampened cloth to clean the screen with gentle, circular movements without pressing. With the microfiber drying surface.
With the microfiber cloth can also quickly clean accumulated dust without "dipping" the screen.

To remove grease without leaving stains, use isopropyl alcohol that unlike ethyl alcohol, does not leave the screen or blanquecida yellowish over time. It is also very useful for cleaning the metal or plastic part of the team. should be very careful when handling this alcohol, keep away from eyes, avoid direct contact with skin and obviously keep out of reach of children. For smartphones or tablets, is recommended to use plastic film on the screen for added protection and to prevent scratches and other serious problems.

It is important not to place teams with these screens in pockets where there coins, keys or other hard object, since these can considerably you ruin the device.

Thus it may be spotless and clean all of our equipment touchscreens as tablets , smartphones and other.

In the following video we will learn how to properly clean the patalla any touchscreen type device, but is in English, the images are very instructive.

Everything you need to know about Android

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Very probably already heard about open operating system that is revolutionizing the telecommunications industry , and probably use it;? If you have not heard from him what planet you live But although this is an already used by millions or billions of people around the world, most very likely do not know about their beginnings, their main features , updates and general information that everyone should know. So then you will know a little more about the wonderful world of Android.

The beginnings of Android

basically Android is an operating system that was designed inspired by Linux, a free, open-platform system. It was created in the first place considering the mobile devices that have a touch screen, but was quickly evolve and reprogrammed to optimize its use in tablets, TVs and even watches.

Which probably is more attractive of this operating system is that it is completely free, that means so much to program to include it on a phone can be done completely free. It has been very popular among developers and manufacturers, therefore include the operating system and launch a phone market is really economic. Moreover since it can be easily edited, programming errors can be discovered and of course resolved in no time , plus it can be adapted to better suit the terminals. Android was not known by anyone until 2005 when Google saw its great potential to revolutionize the market and bought it . In 2007 was launched the Open Handset Alliance, which brought together several phone manufacturers and Google was who provided the first version of Android SDK with your order that developers could start creating applications for this system

The first phone with this operating system was the HTC Dream and was sold in 2008. versions Android Android is clear to be easily adapted to changes in technology and demands of users and that is why since its inception already has several versions , they are:

Version 1.0 Apple Pie
Version 1.1 Banana Bread
Version 1.5 Cupcake
Version 1.6 Donut
Version 2.0 and 2.1 Éclair
Version 2.2 Froyo
Version 2.3 GingerBread
Version 3.0 and 3.2 HoneyComb
Version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
Version 4.2 and 4.3 4.1 Jelly Bean
Version 4.4 KitKat

The reasons for choosing Android as an OS for your mobile

The first reason is that unlike other operating systems, this is a version easy to use, so anyone can learn to handle it with ease , it is also a completely free system , so it can be easily adapted to the needs that are presented.

Moreover applications over time have been created to work with this system are varied, so the chances of having the world in your hands are many : instant messaging applications, productivity, entertainment and even powerful games make this system very attractive and useful.

It's a multitasking system that allows you to run applications in the background, which was not possible before, so we can listen to music while surfing the internet or while playing, so that productivity can be increased greatly. 
Accessing applications is simple and there are millions free, but you can also find pro versions can be paid by credit card very easily. therefore this is an operating system for easy access and with countless benefits for its users, in addition to constantly updated versions means it can adjust easily to changes everyday arises as to technology. Having a cell phone that has an Android version will surely help to make your life easier through the applications which can be accessed very easily. If you liked this page, please share ...

Electronic Cigarette does a real alternative quit smoking?

Electronic cigarettes are ultimately stand as a popular alternative to go leaving nicotine. Created by big industries under the slogan of "quit smoking is possible ", is being marketed by leaps and bounds becoming suddenly a mass phenomenon where famous, we are already appearing with such attractive colors striking cigarettes all crave.

Electronic Cigarette

They feature eye-catching designs, operating through a mechanism where the user simply breathing vapor and sold at relatively affordable prices. But ... are they really safe? What do the experts say electronic cigarettes? Are less harmful than regular cigarettes filled with nicotine, tar and other carcinogens?

How do electronic cigarettes work?

A glance seem pens elegant designs. According to the companies that sell them do not require continuous puffs as normal cigarettes, but sporadic. It has a battery and atomizer where the liquid is transformed into steam as it passes through a resistor, and people inhale from the mouthpiece of the device is stored.

The liquid that is inhaled (or "vapea") includes  nicotine levels , in addition to propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin and flavor extracts obtained from herbs or fruit. Sophisticated technology together with LED lights and a battery to allow them to have autonomy and the mechanism of steam going.

The other side of electronic cigarettes

Start saying something that certainly makes clear the current status of electronic cigarettes: "The WHO recommended the use of the electronic cigarette, warning that contains some substances identical to conventional cigarette and also has effects still unknown long term. " Ante this recommendation the reality of these devices and presents the double-edged risk, people have accessed them with the idea of quitting, but now it seems that is not really a suitable alternative. But look more aspects:

  • WHO initiated several investigations where there are still some outstanding issues confirmation, but for now, it concludes with the idea that the implicit health benefits associated with electronic cigarettes, are unfounded or may be based on false information of companies the market. No help quit smoking, contain high concentrations of propylene glycol,  a very harmful when inhaled irritant , is toxic and can do much damage to our lungs.
  • A group of researchers from the University of Athens , Greece, made ​​several investigations into the use of electronic cigarettes with different non-smokers, smokers and smokers with lung disease known as chronic COPD. In all showed an immediate increase in the resistance pathways respiratory decreasing power air baffle and oxygen, further increasing the problems of asthma.
  • Medical organizations, meanwhile, discourage the electronic cigarette to stop smoking, because (although in much smaller quantities) , still contain harmful elements such as conventional snuff nicotine, ethylene glycol,  tar, heavy metals .. etc. Moreover the steam available in the combustion substances, generates toxins are also scattered in the air, which impair not only the consumer.
  • For many, electronic cigarettes are a tobacco industry strategy , as were menthol cigarettes, or so-called "light" at the time, all encouraged by the decline in consumption of snuff to the global crisis, the laws in force where already prohibits smoking in many public spaces, and changes in smoking habits, which are curiously the  women who are starting to smoke more than men, hence both companies strive to create elegant electronic cigarettes and attractive designs to open new markets and attract customers, trying to spiraling nicotine never be over.
  • Doctors, meanwhile also have it clear. Electronic cigarettes are effective for smoking cessation because it contains nicotine, which although less than ordinary, is still there "Containing nicotine dependence remains users, thus the industry will never end "

Thus we conclude recommending that if a member of electronic cigarettes, limit your intake as much as possible: for now its use is spreading like an attractive tool that is fashionable, but can not say it's a suitable partner to leave smoking.

If you really want to stop your addiction, there are many alternatives in the market and especially within the natural medicine . The first step is definitely your strong will, control the moments of anxiety that almost always are associated with the time of day when you used to have a cigarette in your hands , nothing more waking up, after meals, with coffee in those meetings with friends or family ... It all depends on you, the choice of quitting definitely worth effort and sacrifice, for the sake of your own health.

6 Strange species of orchids.


Here are six approaching  strange species of orchids with animal shapes . Pictured above the White Egret Orchid ( Habenaria radiata ). It is a species of orchid endemic to China, Japan, Korea and Russia. Its name comes from its resemblance to the bird, also known as the flower of the white heron, or Sagiso fringed orchid. Pictured below the Duck Orchid ( Caleana major ). This is a small orchid found in eastern and southern Australia. This amazing orchid species resembles a duck in flight.


Orchis simian is a terrestrial orchid habit distributed by Western Europe and North Africa.

La Flor Perico ( Impatiens psittacina ). Perico Flower, Flower Parrot, Parrot Flower, is one of the strangest plant species in the world. Its scientific name is Impatiens psittacina. It is located in Thailand. 
The rarity of the species increases, because in addition to the restrictions imposed by the Thai government on its traffic, has a natural pollinator to date is unknown, since the shape of the flower is very difficult a common insect pollinator, like a bee or a butterfly reach the reproductive organs.


  Naked men hanging from a flower ( Orchis militaris ). Orchis militaris is a species in the orchid genus Orchis Orchidoideae subfamily of the family Orchidaceae. They are distributed throughout Europe. Son of terrestrial habits and have tubers. Orchids get their name from the Greek "orchis" meaning testicle, by the appearance of underground tubers in some terrestrial species. The word 'orchis' the first used Theophrastus (371/372 - 287/286 BC), in his book "De plantarum history" (The natural history of plants). He was a pupil of Aristotle and is considered the father of botany and ecology. Militaris by the shape of the sepals that gives an appearance of flower warrior.


The Dracula Orchid . Among the wide variety of species of orchids are these strange and amazing orchids of Ecuador and Peru, which bloom in the 2000 meters in their forests. 
Was named Orchid Dracula because of its resemblance to the famous Earl of Carpathians, for its two spurs that resemble fangs famous character.
