Pictures of Guinness World Records most amazing

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The longest tongue Planet

longest tongue

Chanel Tapper, Guinness Record for the person with the longest tongue Planet

The biggest hair afro

biggest hair afro

Aevin Douglas, Guinness Record for the person with the biggest hair afro

 The dog with bigger ears

dog with bigger ears

Harbor, the dog with Guinness bigger ears

World's largest towel

largest towel

Guinness Record for world's largest towel

The world's largest ice cream cone 

world's largest ice cream cone

Guinness ice cream cone at the world's largest

World largest violin

largest violin

Guinness World Record largest violin

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber, the Guinness Record online video most watched in history

Most dogs jump rope

Most dogs jump rope

Guinness Record for most dogs jump rope

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