How to remove stains on the skin?

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remove stains on the skin

If you want to know a little about the spots on the skin and if you need some natural methods to remove them, here you will find some answers to your problems.

Knowing stains

Before offering some alternatives to remove skin blemishes, tell you what are the spots. The spots are changes in skin pigmentation and may occur on different factors, such as sun exposure, genetics, problems in the liver , pregnancy , antibiotics , among others.

Stains can be presented as moles, freckles or age spots.

Our Alternatives

Here we will offer possible solutions to the appearance of spots on the skin, with homemade recipes and natural medicine. In this case, show 5 Effective, simple and comfortable for you to fire your spots alternatives.

1. Lemon juice: A natural bleaching agent.

There are multiple benefits of lemon skin: helps whiten stains, cure acne and give it a special glow.
First, remove the lemon juice. Then take a cotton ball and imprégnala with juice. Rub directly on the stain for a few minutes. Likewise, you can use lemon peel to rub on the affected parts. Do it for 5 minutes. Citric acid lemon help to exfoliate your skin, which will remove dead cells and will match the "tone" of skin.

Do not apply when you are exposed to the sun.

2. The aloe vera and skin properties

The most important effects which causes skin Aloe are due to amino acid, particularly valine, phenylalanine, leucine and lignin.
Apply aloe vera gel on your spots, rub until the skin absorbs the gel and leave on. Repeat the process daily. gel aloe vera will help to lighten dark spots.

3. Papaya: the power of papai

Helps exfoliate skin to reveal new cells and has restorative properties that soften the skin.
First, you peel a piece of ripe papaya. Then rub the inside on the affected area. Let the papaya act and clean it with cold water. You can repeat the process 3 or 4 times a week. Contents of papain help reduce dead skin cells and other debris from staining.

4. Onion: removing the age spots

If your skin is intolerant lemon juice apply the juice of the fresh onion.

Take one onion and cut a slice. Rub the stain for five minutes. You must repeat the procedure every day. This method is very effective, especially when age spots are treated.

5. Bananas and lemons: an effective mix shades to match

The banana provides a necessary caloric intake and avoid it is deprived of its benefits to the skin and digestive system.
This is a simple and effective method in which you have bananas (or banana) and extract the juice of 1 or 2 lemons. First, you peel and cut up bananas or banana. Next, you should beat the chips until something like a puree. Then, you mix the puree with the lemon juice. daily Apply the stain. This will be very effective homemade recipe to match your skin tones.

Do the remedies work?

It is important to remember that the success of these natural recipes depends on the record and order in its proceedings. Likewise, you should make sure to use fresh and avoid exposing yourself to the sun frequently.

Very important!

Make your procedure only at night (or in a dark place). Sun exposure can worsen the situation because, as I have said, in addition to be quite sensitive skin, what is being done with natural products is a "game" to balance these variations in skin tones. Be very careful and secure your spots daily elucidated.

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