Fukushima three years after the disaster that became a ghost town
Three years after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan and the nuclear disaster that followed, killing 19,000 people and displacing more than 300,000, the photographer Bosnian, Damir Sagolj , returned to the region to document the lives of those affected by the tragedy. Even today, tens of thousands of survivors living in temporary shelters. The area around the nuclear power plant is still very contaminated by radiation so that residents can return permanently to their homes, but can only do a few short visits.
School meals from around the world
South Korea
Menu: beans and rice, and fried chicken and mixed vegetables, seaweed, green beans and cabbage
Menu: Smoked mackerel, bread, red pepper and tomato salad, kiwi, apple, and milk cake.
Menu: Udon, chikuwa (fish sausage), frozen Mandarin orange and milk
Menu: Tofu burger with pasta, fish dumpling, fries with ketchup, a kind of potato salad, sausage and Mikan (mandarin)
Menu: potatoes, cabbage, beans, cookie and cherry juice
Menu: baguette, salad, couscous, mixed with vegetables and meat sauce
South Korea
Menu: Kimchi, pork, sauce, bean paste (sammjang), steamed and boiled cabbage soup
Menu: White rice, chicken, green beans and fried egg
Menu: Rice and konbu (a sweet seaweed), nikkujagga (meat with vegetables), omelette, sausage, potato and apple puff
Menu: Noodle, shrimp, fish cakes, eggs, a package of vegetable and fruit juice, and an apple
Menu: soup with potatoes, buckwheat (wheat), cutleta (sausage), and cucumber
Menu : rice, sauce, curry and okra
Menu: soup, noodle, pickles, bread, sausages
Menu: chicken salad, cottage cheese, grated carrots and gravy
Menu: Brown rice and beans
Menu: rice porridge
Menu: Fish, scrambled eggs with tomato sauce, rice, spinach, cauliflower, eggs, and soup
Menu: Lechon kawali, liver sauce and rice
Menu: fried anchovy omelet, sautéed cabbage with tomato and bean sprouts, chicken and cucumber
Menu: potatoes, peas and sweet
Menu: beans, assorted vegetables, cabbage
Menu: Sweet and sour pork with pineapple, radishes, carrots and green peppers, vegetables with garlic, fish stew with cabbage, carrot and mushroom and seaweed soup and eggs
Menu: rice, beans, bread, meat with vegetables, banana and lettuce salad with chard
Menu: Ugali, chicken, vegetables, dipping sauce, salad of watermelon
Czech Republic
Menu: soup, rice, chicken, dessert, juice and hot tea
Menu: pancakes, rice, beans, strawberries and skim milk
Menu: Cheeseburger, fries, salad, milk, apples, peaches
I wonder in which Brazilian school that serve meals?
"Outrageous!" Battle of puss! ! Small box is also my position!
I love cat narrow. Their body whether to enter If you find a narrow place, and screw the body to challenge even in you do not know. I think the scene or a humorous look at from us sometimes, and cute or funny. This image is a picture that suggests the shape of a cute puss who "outrageous!" Was for the time being a very small place. "Outrageous!" White cat's the above also seems to have for the time being the position of the small cardboard, It seems to be Nagon to put only front legs in the space of a small cardboard ^
12 discoveries that make a man, becoming a father
Sent to the Editor Must see father, who understood life.
All objects lying below the level of your waist, will either be destroyed or used for mutilation. 90% of your cases on "education" child - is an attempt to save him from injury.
Eight unrestrained hours - this beautiful than take a bath with Vera Brezhnev. At the very least, a dream you still have power.
you recognize yourself in his moods, his perseverance, his hazard. It looks like a small curved mirror. At the same time realize what a pain in the ass you were for their ancestors.
That you sformiruesh her taste for men. Try to match, if you want to you eventually appeared decent in-law.
when you first drop a child head on the floor (not "if", namely, "when"), you pray, that all ended well. Even if you do not know a single prayer and never in anyone believed.
By two years the child learns to manipulate your wife Putin Duma twirls. If you do not want to live with the little dictator, you yourself will have to command and punish 50 times a day to say the word "no." Unpleasant role, but someone has to do it.
child - the employer is not aware of the Labour Code. Weekend for him there.
Let it weighs six pounds - upset, he masterfully reproduces the sound level of the Su-35 in attack mode. Yes, some even snore during sleep. Bass.
, "He does not want the street. No, he wants the street. No, these gloves do not fit. No, he will not push a knob to cuff. No, he did not want the street. This - my toy, though she a stranger ... "All negotiations - a soft voice, with a smile and diminutive suffixes.
not only the child truly experiencing what is happening, but also makes you feel very sharp joy, tenderness, affection. Whatever you may be a cynic, many of his actions and phrases you have to wipe the tears of emotion. And there is nothing to be ashamed of.
- Apartment deadly
All objects lying below the level of your waist, will either be destroyed or used for mutilation. 90% of your cases on "education" child - is an attempt to save him from injury.
- Dream - a new erotic fantasy
Eight unrestrained hours - this beautiful than take a bath with Vera Brezhnev. At the very least, a dream you still have power.
- You unpleasant character
you recognize yourself in his moods, his perseverance, his hazard. It looks like a small curved mirror. At the same time realize what a pain in the ass you were for their ancestors.
- But you will be ideal for my daughter
That you sformiruesh her taste for men. Try to match, if you want to you eventually appeared decent in-law.
- Not everything depends on you
when you first drop a child head on the floor (not "if", namely, "when"), you pray, that all ended well. Even if you do not know a single prayer and never in anyone believed.
- You - the "bad" investigator
By two years the child learns to manipulate your wife Putin Duma twirls. If you do not want to live with the little dictator, you yourself will have to command and punish 50 times a day to say the word "no." Unpleasant role, but someone has to do it.
- Leisure time - when he's sleeping
child - the employer is not aware of the Labour Code. Weekend for him there.
- Small - not so quiet
Let it weighs six pounds - upset, he masterfully reproduces the sound level of the Su-35 in attack mode. Yes, some even snore during sleep. Bass.
- Good cartoon can be viewed 50 times.
- You could negotiate with terrorists
, "He does not want the street. No, he wants the street. No, these gloves do not fit. No, he will not push a knob to cuff. No, he did not want the street. This - my toy, though she a stranger ... "All negotiations - a soft voice, with a smile and diminutive suffixes.
- Happiness is
not only the child truly experiencing what is happening, but also makes you feel very sharp joy, tenderness, affection. Whatever you may be a cynic, many of his actions and phrases you have to wipe the tears of emotion. And there is nothing to be ashamed of.
- You horse, and-ho-ho.
25 English idioms
Expressions that should not be taken literally.
These phrases should know everyone who wants to pull level of spoken English and understand what was going on in the conversation, movies or books.
- Against the clock - almost a race against time - it means "to do something very quickly," in the short term.
- Eat to one's word - you can not eat his words, but to take back his words - completely.
- Break A leg - sometimes in the movies you can hear someone advises hero "break a leg", in fact it is good luck: no fluff, no pen!
- The apple of one's eye - literally translated scary, but the phrase means something like "the diamond of my soul," someone very loving and treasure it.
- To feel it in one's bones - this is the case when you instinctively feels that something will happen. In the Russian language there is a premonition of another place in English - bones.
- When pigs fly - a phrase about flying pigs remind many situation "when cancer at Mount hiss" or "till the cows come home." That is to say never.
- To scratch someone's back and That someone Will scratch in return - this expression literally translates as "to scratch the back of another that he scratched you in return," ie, quid pro quo: to make a man a good deal in the hope that he will respond to those same.
- To walk A Mile in my Shoes - it does not offer a walk in someone else's shoes, you are asked to "stay in my shoes," imagine yourself in someone else's place.
- Cost to an arm and leg A - so they say when something is too expensive. You literally have to sell part of the body to afford this thing.
- To count one's Chickens before They hatch - do not count on the success of earlier times, when nothing is clear. We have a similar expression "do not count your chickens before they are hatched."
- It's Raining cats and dogs - funny to imagine a rain of cats and dogs, but as they say, when it's pouring.
- Rat race - "rat race" - by and large, our whole life. It means "to be in a constant state of hurry and rivalry", chase success / money - anyone that.
- In a nutshell - if you want to say something briefly, this expression is perfect to speak in a nutshell.
- The grass is always greener on the Other Side (of the fence) - translates as "well where we do not." Many for a notice that the grass is always greener - here it's the same feeling.
- Quick and dirty - in our language have the same term that says "cheap and cheerful".
- A leg to shake - so they say when you need to hurry up and do something quickly, "move!".
- Not your cup of tea - this is not your element when the soul does not belong to something or something can not be done. Literally "not your cup of tea," and you need to find your own.
- Curiosity Killed the cat - overly curious person can often hear that. In Russian - Varvara curious nose torn off in the bazaar, neither cat has suffered.
- Take to the cake - do not rush to take the cake, it means "to beat all" (in a good or bad way). Vaguely reminiscent of Russian "take off the shelf pie."
- A leopard cannot Change ITS spots - as a man can not change his nature, he "such as it is" and the leopard can not change the spots on the skin. Good argument for those who do not want to change.
- Blood, Sweat, and Tears - expression means a huge effort or hard work. Literally "blood, sweat and tears": in Russian has an intimate "seven pots went off."
- Pushing the Envelope - an expression of a man who always offers something new and out of the ordinary.
- To save your breath - literally, "Take care of your breath," then it's not worth wasting time and talk about what is not useful. Better to remain silent and not to rend the air.
- To know where the bodies are buried - when you hear it, do not worry - in this sentence there is nothing about these graves, Russian analogue of "that's where the shoe pinches" - is to understand the essence of the matter.
The narrow pedestrian street of Hanoi train passes
In Vietnam have railroad tracks that pass through the narrow pedestrian street in a residential area. In the video you can see that the train passes a few feet from the door of apartment houses. Hanoi - a unique city, not least because of its narrow streets and buildings. And as the main railway station is located in the city center, it is not surprising that the railroad pass through the busy streets. Path to Long Bien bridge passes through the Old Quarter - a densely populated residential area. The houses here are so close to the tracks that people can easily lose a leg if they make a wrong move, or hand, if put it on the windowsill at the wrong time. Fortunately, the trains pass only twice a day.
According to Adam Armstrong, who recorded a video and posted it on YouTube in February, the train passes so close to the houses that people have to hide their vehicles at home and in the alleys fixed time. Timetable People know very well: between four and seven hours evening locals suddenly disappear rapidly from the streets, hurrying to hide. Immediately after the train will pass, life resumes on the street - people immediately come out of hiding and return to daily activities. From the fact that people know the schedule, the situation is not getting any safer - it's hard to imagine how many accidents occur every year on this street. But people, despite the danger, here live kind and friendly.
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