How to show that you enjoy your relationship with your partner

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Talking about sex with your partner is not always easy, especially when you are learning, but we must abandon modesty to improve the relationship. Here are some tips to show your partner that you enjoy the games.

How to show that you enjoy sex

Many times we do not know how to express our feelings or ideas in any field of life. But in relation to sexuality, it seems more difficult. Talking about it can be a little embarrassing at first, but if you have enough confidence to be more beneficial. Learn to show that you enjoy having sex with your partner .

Learning to say what we feel

It seems so simple, "say what you feel." In theory yes, but what in practice?. It is much more complicated. Is that within our brains and our hearts are ideas which contradict gives us shame, we think the other is going to take offense, we do not expose ourselves to say what we feel for fear of getting hurt, thought the other and know, you would prefer to speak more banal things, etc.. This is very common and yet, a resounding failure.

Talking about what happens to one you should not be exclusive session with the psychologist. Know that your partner, as well as your family, friends , co-workers, do not have the magic crystal ball and know everything. You have to say, do they find out, they are aware. Otherwise, it is impossible that they know. In the case of sex talk , sometimes it can be a little uncomfortable, but slowly have to let go of that feeling and move on to talk about how important, they respect both and which undoubtedly help to much in your relationship .

Tips on talking about sex with your partner

For women it is quite difficult to talk about as a matter of culture or prejudice. What's wrong with telling your partner that you love to have sex with him ? This will make you feel more than good, it will raise your self esteem and your life in bed will improve, no doubt. Men may not want to talk about modesty, not to embarrass your partner, because it is a "sensitive" issue. If you like what you do together, why not praise?. If there is something about her that makes you crazy, why not say it?. Think of it the same as a meal, if delicious, you say no problems.

A good idea, if you dare to tell how well you spend it with him or her when they have sex, we show it. But attention, the signals must be very specific, no misunderstandings. The gestures during an intimate encounter, the words used, movements, etc.., Are signs of enjoyment and satisfaction. Find a way to make it clear your enjoyment and your partner can take the hint.

A good way to show that you like what it does to you is through touch. It can be in hair, back, chest, etc.. It is a "Universal" and very clear of what you love manifestation. Furthermore, you can take advantage of the excitement and the situation to say things either ear or not, something you are liking. Do not feel shy and express what you feel.

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