How to seduce a shy man

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seduce a shy man

That guy you love. It's cute, he's a good person, but has a big problem that does not let the relationship progress: is shy . If you've fallen victim to a shy man, you should know that it takes a lot of patience and courage to win his heart, so is not an easy game.

If you still want to try it, time to receive some tips to seduce a shy man .

seduce a shy man

Be friends

Many times, men are not shy in their group of male friends, but have a hard time socializing with girls. Therefore, it is important that you spend enough time with him as friends to get used to your presence and lose shyness.

Moreover, it will help to know a little more: Ask questions about anything that interests you to know and tell about your life too, so he does not feel it is an interrogation and will serve to open up a bit more. If you noticed something, remember some important facts and name them in the conversation, so that he can see that you pay attention.

seduce a shy man

Read her body language

Probably a shy man does not speak much, and costing expressed. But if there's one thing that keeps him lying is your body language . Through this we can know if we want to say something and not encouraged, if you are happy or bored to see you.

No doubt, this will be your secret weapon to know him better and know where the shots.

seduce a shy man

Choose the ideal quotes

If you are the type who dare to ask out , carefully select the appointment you're going to choose, especially if they are the first few times you go out together.

Avoid places where you have to talk a lot, such as a dinner, opting rather for dating with other couples, film or some other type of show.

seduce a shy man

Learn to understand

Maybe at some point you get you angry or behavior on your nerves, but if you like a shy guy should know that there are some things you might like it more than you. Therefore, it is especially important to know to understand what goes through your head and not sulk. It is also important that you learn to know what their comfort zones to help you stay within them and therefore do not feel uncomfortable with a situation.

You know how to conquer a shy man ? Does your partner is shy? Who made ​​the first move?

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