Accumulation of temporary files on the PC

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As we work on our computer, with the passage of time the system is shown slower, since the processes suffer a slowdown which causes the work we do on the PC require longer wait for processing the data.

In general, if it is a computer whose components are in perfect condition and its operating system runs flawlessly , this slowdown occurs due to the accumulation of temporary files that usually go automatically created in team with daily use .

These files , which as the name suggests are temporary , they are created by the system due to various reasons.

Causes why a file system creates tremporales

Whenever you install a new application and then uninstalled each time we perform software updates, each time we run various programs and have been improperly closed , even when we clean the system with any antivirus or reboot the system, start the files created time required by these functions which could theoretically delete themselves when the operation we are doing .

Unfortunately, sometimes this is not specific and thus can accumulate a huge amount of temporary files, which will impact directly on the performance of the RAM memory of our PC , causing a significant slow down to the simplest processes.

At other times , it happens that the system deletes the contents of the temporary files , but not the files themselves . Although these files report 0 Kb in length , it is certain to continue to exist that take up space on your hard drive .

Other causes of the appearance of temporary files are usually called Malware programs , which upon contact with our computer system installed temporary files that can not be automatically deleted by the system.

There are plenty of Malware whose tmp files with remarkably slow our PC, and mostly tend to stay at five folders and subfolders accurate . 's Temporary Internet directory in the TEMP folder in the Windows folder, Windows prefetch directory RECYCLER disk containing the Windows folder, and TEMP folder of the Local Settings folder in the Documents and Settings directory.

These temporary files not only harm the operating system , making it slower and causing a simple task becomes uncomfortable to perform, but also can cause faults in the proper functioning of various components , such as USB ports.

No wonder that our PC USB ports start reading report errors and mounted external devices, due to the bad influence of the temporary files in the operating system .

What to do ?

It's best , when our system is saturated with files like . Tmp is a complete clean deleting temporary files manually.

While some applications use temporary folders to work , the truth is that after deleting the tmp files. , When you rerun the program, he will be responsible for creating the folder again but this time only the data required to run without redundant information.
To know what is the best way to manually delete the temporary files in the Microsoft Windows operating system , we recommend reading the article " How to remove temporary files ."

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