-flat leather (10mm x 2mm) or oval leather (10mm x 6mm)
-letter sliders (I love this font in either 10mm x 2mm or 10mm x 6mm, and they sell hashtags too!)
-magnetic clasp (10mm x 2mm or 10mm x 6mm)
-jewelry glue
Cut one side of your leather into a point like the front of an arrow (this makes it easier to slide the letters onto it). Slide your phrase letters onto the leather strap.
Trim your arrow-shaped end so you have a straight cut instead. Take one of your magnetic clasps, add a small drop of glue into the opening, and quickly place your leather end into the opening. If you have a light colored leather, be careful not to add too much glue, or it will overflow the opening and darken the leather it comes in contact with (you can see it did a little bit on mine). Place the leather around your wrist to determine the length of the bracelet (keeping in mind how much length attaching the other clasp will add or take away). Cut your leather to size and attach the other side of the clasp.
Now, some bracelets have beads or parts that are supposed to slide freely on the bracelet, but since you want your phrase to be legible, you probably want them to hang out together in a neat little row. Flip the bracelet over and, starting with the middle letter, place a drop of glue where that letter should go. Slide your letter over onto the glue and let it sit for a moment until the glue starts to set. Repeat the process with the other letters until they are all glued in place.
I hope you guys are as into these bracelets as I am—I just adore them. I love the personalization aspect, all the different colors you can do, and they absolutely look like something that you bought rather than made. Yes!! And, on top of it all, they make a perfect gift, especially if you and your girlfriends (or sisters/family of course) have a particular phrase or hashtag that's an inside joke. Those are the best. Most of mine are every other sentence from Arrested Development. Unfortunately, those are too long for a bracelet (although maybe we could do "Marry Me" or "Her?"). Either way, here's the breakdown on this DIY: super easy, really cute, great gift idea. What's not to like? to. Laura
Feathers of threads
Doubted whether to put these "creations", but work colleagues interested moms, and the manufacturing process just in case I photographed, so give your judgment such a fiction, in an unusual me "manner" rather technology.
The issue is, as always in the process of working on the flowers, herbs, or tried to do the branches of thread.
The issue is, as always in the process of working on the flowers, herbs, or tried to do the branches of thread.
- wire
- thread
- adhesive
- instead of tubes can take any basis for winding. Than it is wider, the greater will be the feathers.
Any thread (I have very thin). Only then realized that they can be wound on the line (not necessarily round base), most importantly, that the center "trunk - feather" was in the middle of the base. Wire wrapped with cloth or gafrobumagoy (smeared with glue), after a few turns again smeared with glue (only the place where the wire itself), and in the end also lubricates. Pulls the many threads in a circle (along the base) - that was not even prosvetov.I IMPORTANT: to dry thoroughly (before cutting). I was drying on the battery for half an hour. Cut back side "trunk" (the exact opposite wire) better kantsnozhichkom (scissors is not very convenient.)
Dokleivaem top individual tassels (on obratonoy side feathers). Yeah, here's a tip gave klepo4ka after my MC: "In order that would not stick tip, bend the wire in a loop of thread insert beam, screw tip, get a fan of threads." (I think it's more convenient ....)
Cropped lishee scissors - creating a form of writing - your choice.
Comb, paint watercolors, glue paetki word on that you have enough imagination. . Once again, small comb comb and sprinkle with hairspray - for greater strength ...
This is an experiment with different thread ... White thread tried in the last turn, then the feathers of them were born .... Until then "tortured" greens)))))
You can make these Christmas trees (toy beads I already added in Photoshop)
What to do in Buenos Aires
Immerse yourself in the rhythms of the tango
Not for a second did not fall silent in Argentina incendiary sounds of tango, which was born in the poor neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. It is not considered shameful to make a graceful adorns allowing subtly express the music, and merge in the arms, breathing passion in the public eye. All the contrary - you will look askance if you do not describe the arc Sakada pouring into the rhythms of the best "Tipico Orchestra." To know all the splendor of the national Argentinean dance of the list of World Cultural Heritage, obzavedites guide to tango partying TangoMap Guide and go to one of the many milongas. The cozy cafe dance clubs can have a drink rather decent local wine, take tango lessons, paying 50 to 400 pesos per hour, and dance till you drop, honing their skills. If you still do not fall under the spell of dance, life-changing visit tango festival. In August, hundreds of participants from around the world gather on the dance-floors of Buenos Aires, competing for the title of best singer and stage tango salon.Visit the gaucho show
A foreigner, who turned in a Latin American capital, not just hear an unknown word "gaucho". Do not believe the dictionary, argues that a gaucho - it is a regular cowboy. Gone is the days when ranchers, born from the union of European conquerors with Indian women considered rude and uncouth. Nomads romp through endless steppes, pampas, have become symbols of freedom Argentinian. Their folklore was the basis for the works of Borges and Estrada, and wide pants, jacket and scarf with fringe - a source of inspiration for prominent South American designers. Although most of these people disappeared from the face of the earth, to integrate into the "white world", the past is still alive in Argentina. Visiting the show-gaucho cowboys on the Opera Pampa, you "visit Away" tribe Calchaqui, exterminated by colonialists, and witness the battle for independence. Want more tricks and a complete renovation? Embark on one of Estancia ranch near the town, where you can not only see the horse show, but most ride a horse, having mastered the Indian tricks. And do not forget to try the traditional food of the gauchos: pastry empanadas and asado - Argentine version of shish kebab.Get cheerfulness tasted mate
Each house of Argentina, and in the poor and rich, like mate - tonic from the leaves and shoots of the Paraguayan holly containing a lot of caffeine. Researchers claim: the locals for the year consume 150 tons of this stunning collection of grass. Without invigorating liquid does not pass the day: and acquaintance, and date, and a family dinner in Buenos Aires accompanied mate. Like the Japanese, who turned tea in the whole ceremony, Argentines have created a cult of his pride. Carefully harvest dried only on charcoal, following a long tradition of the gaucho and the product does not drink from our usual cups and of special vessels - Calabash. Mate leaves, immersed in the wood hollowed out pumpkin dishes, 2/3 of the volume of flood water, heated to 70-80 degrees. Draining the first portion to eliminate unpleasant bitterness lovers mate slowly sip the national drink of the special tube-Bombilija. We even have a mate your holiday in February in Parana competitions for most skillful preparation of the beverage and runs a beauty contest "Queen mate."Ride on the oldest in Latin America Metro
December 1, 1913 in the Latin world was the first subway. Nine stations of line A, separated by a short distance, the port connected to a ground of the Argentine capital by train. In 1930-1931 was built in line, linking the outskirts of the port of another. But two lines of the Buenos Aires underground roads do not intersect. To connect them to the network, in 1936 there was a line C, and behind her another ring - Line D. Although now underground city is preparing for the construction of arcs F, G, J and I, line A rare site is still functioning. Vintage wooden cabins opened manually, begin their journey from the Plaza de Mayo, and move to the station Primera Junta. Amazing journey underground in bygone times available every day from 6 am to 10 pm.Stroll through the aristocratic Recoleta cemetery
Once on the main necropolis of Buenos Aires, it is difficult to keep a delight: around, surrounded by trees and old men-twined vines, lies the ancient city of the dead. Only the birds singing and the sound of fluttering in the wind crowns violate peace and quiet narrow streets filled with beautiful vaults and chapels. Burial place of the capital of the Argentine aristocracy grew in place of an orchard in 1822. Residents of Buenos Aires laugh good-naturedly: cheaper to live like Rockefeller, the best houses in the capital, you become the owner of the grave at Recoleta. At the cemetery, hiding in the depths of the prestigious Byres found their last resting place of all the prominent figures of the country: the writer Adolfo Bioy and President Raul Alfonsin, Nobel laureate Luis Leluar and artist Candido Lopez. The heart of the beautiful necropolis and its most visited tomb became a place of Eva Peron - Argentina's first lady, actress and protector of the afflicted.The biggest art installation
Of "light" recently in different parts of the world art installations, we chose seven that truly affect their size. These designs if someone escaped from a bizarre dream where the ball is ruled by large dimensions and unexpected images.
"Revived" Marilyn Monroe
Not everyone's liking campy antics and stereotypical beauty Marilyn Monroe, but deny its role in the history of cinema can only be it not knowledgeable people. Various souvenirs vengeance exploits her name, and numerous imitators do not give sink into oblivion and blond beauty in a specific manner. Remember the famous scene with billowing dress actress in Billy Wilder's "Itch sweat?" Creative sculptor Stuart Johnson recreated frame became a textbook in its amazing Chicago installation "Marilyn forever." Dimensions "revived" Monroe impressive height - 8 meters, weight - 15 tons. Despite the iconic status of the actress and her merits to dreamland, not all locals have approved the construction of an art installation. Blonde no longer in vogue?Giant striped chaise lounge on UK beach
The idea of this project was born in the minds of marketers of Pimm's, the famous manufacturer of fruit champagne cocktail, and was linked with a move to the UK summer. To implement custom design ideas to life on the beach in Bournemouth was built huge sunbed length of 10 meters and a width of 5.5 meters. Design weighs no less than 6 tons. Author Stuart Murdoch installation seriously expects to get into the Guinness Book of Records: alleges that a sunbed in Bournemouth - the largest in the world. Heraldry of the project is transparent little more than full: fruit cup and striped chaise lounge chair-have long been considered symbols of the United Kingdom, and the placement of structures on the beach is a clear allusion to the population to leave the comfort of their homes and go sunbathing."Bad Dog"
Worthy response to the Brussels 'Manneken Pis' prepared American sculptor Richard Jackson. However, in his version of celebrating small need not representative homo sapiens, and the most ordinary dog. Sculpture called «Bad Dog». The location of such provocative works of art - exactly near California Museum Orange County Museum of Art - sculptor chosen by chance: the museum is just an exhibition of his works, and defecate directly onto the wall of the museum dog was part of the general concept of art. Huge size (up to 8.5 meters tall) black labrador void sumnyashesya raises a hind leg and makes her "wet" work. For greater realism from time to time on the wall paint was jetted with a characteristic color. Bust? Richard Jackson thought that did, and the overall success of his show only confirms the idea that true art knows no boundaries."Planet Kids"
Unlike dogs defecate Jackson, this sculpture Marc Quinn 2008 totally devoid of irony and can rightly lay claim to being one of the most beautiful and personal art installations of this century. Formally, this sculptural portrait of the son of the seven-month Quinn made truly a giant scale. Judge for yourself: the weight of the sculpture - 7 tons, height - 10 meters. It is an engineering marvel bronze in Singapore tropical park "Gardens by the Bay." Unique design allows virtually invisible backup, whereby a persistent illusion that the sculptor modeled child literally hovers in the air against the backdrop of skyscrapers and is located next to the trees. According to the author of the installation, the cornerstone of its concept was the desire to express the general through the particular love of millions of parents to their offspring by the example of his own son. Not the beauty and love will save the planet?Fountain "Metalmorfozy"
This large-scale art installation, located in downtown Charlotte, North Carolina, you can watch through a centralized web cams: online broadcasts allow each Internet user to monitor the movement of the sculpture. The very title of the project is easy to detect the pun, but it is easy to reveal nuances in the first turn solid steel head weighing 14 tons, made up of a large number of plates. Its author - famous Czech sculptor David Black, behind which a lot of decent work. "Metalmorfozy" became his first overseas project.Teddy bear in Manhattan
And from this installation breathes not the technocracy, and somehow captured on a subconscious level, homey feel and atmosphere of a carefree childhood, when best friends were plush toys, and their inability to speak perfectly offset by our irrepressible schoolboy fantasy. The most amazing thing is that it is a miracle yellow weighing 16 tons and a height of 7 meters directly in the center of bustling Manhattan. Seemingly minor detail lamp next to his head slightly slumped Teddy Bears in addition to purely decorative function also performs perfectly practical role: the street lights at night. Made "Teddy" bear made of bronze and stands up to $ 10 million.Parking-comb
If you buried a fate in Virginia, in the modest town of Roanoke, then surely Find the local landmark - made in the form of a huge comb parking for bicycles, is a vivid example of how sometimes intertwined true art and frightening for their pragmatism and mediocrity life. With probability, close to the maximum, we can say that this comb - the biggest in the world, let her use and away from the traditional. Authors of the project - the designers and sculptors studio-shop «Knowhow Shop LA» - comb cut by hand and simulate hair black steel arc, which serve for fastening comb covered with a strong protective layer. Want to park your bike between the teeth of a comb? Get in the queue, because the number of places is limited to eight, and wishing - rife.Amazing Animals, which you did not know
Blue Dragon
This tiny gastropod at first glance seems a messenger from some other planet. Or, at worst, a product of fantasy game designers have made it an element of the simulated world in the next ambitious project. But not a living creature on our planet, which is not rich in fauna such rare and bizarre species.
The dimensions of these amazing dragons quite modest - only 2-3 centimeters in length, but the pleasure they give their appearance truly immeasurable. Most often blue dragon drifts on the water surface belly up - his shield the blue color blends with water and protects against attacks hungry seabirds. If you wish to see this biological miracle firsthand, here you useful information: their habitat - temperate and tropical waters, and they are likely to notice in the coastal waters of Australia and the United States, when the wind blows the tiny blue dragons closer to shore or altogether thrown on the earth's surface.
Goblin shark
As a rule, only one shark fin cutting the water area can cause a person having a panic attack. And what will happen if this fin a few moments later added is such a disgusting face with menacing wedge-shaped process?
This is not a frame from another part of the popular horror film "Jaws", but quite real and pleased with his underwater existence marine predator. It was first discovered in 2007, fishermen caught in Tokyo Bay hitherto not known specimen length of 1.3 meters. Since the appearance, in particular, outstanding tapered protuberance on the face of a shark is very much like the famous character from Japanese folklore - Tengu goblin, and then received an appropriate nickname - tenguzame, which literally translated as "goblin shark." Best known of the existence of 45 copies of this rare species, and the largest of them reaching over 3 meters in length. Due to the fact that skin is translucent goblin shark, located underneath the blood vessels give this a truly unique marine predators and sinister look. It seems that soon we will see this big-nosed monster in some fresh horror film - very much there, he asks.
Mountain Goat
For ordinary domestic goat steadfastly stuck reputation animal stupid and certainly not pretty. But that applies to ordinary goat, does not stick with the goat snow. Take a look at this and let a little far from noble, but still very impressive camp. Over meters - the height at the withers, the maximum weight - up to 135 pounds, but due to thick and viscous wool is an animal lives in the mountains looks even more massive. Come to mind associations with luxurious white fur coat, and if summer mountain goat fur special length is different, then the winter and grows hanging merging with snow white fringe.
There is a desire to witness the mountain goats? Its implementation - in the Rocky Mountains of North America where these interesting animals to conquer the three-kilometer summit. However, they have recently moved into the most remote areas, and their ranks have thinned considerably. Overall it is clear that the form needs to be protected - and where only green activists look?
Pacu fish
Teeth of the largest fish family piranhas surprisingly resemble human, albeit far from perfect. They are only arranged in two rows, which automatically increases the bite force several times. By the way, the moving puck is in only the lower jaw, and that she is getting her trump card in a frontal attack. Surprisingly, with such luxurious combat data, this fish is not a predator, but prefers seaweed, shellfish, nuts and fruit. Although, I think you would not want to check this information for yourself: pacu very attracted to any dangling objects in the water, and there were cases where no bathing trunks men deprived of their manhood.
Basically pacu fish concentrated in the waters of the Amazon, but every year its population is rapidly decreasing. All the fault of many fishermen and very tasty meat, which is considered a real delicacy. Seems all the more surprising by the fact that a year ago, fishermen caught a pacu Soligorski reservoir in Belarus. Although pacu prefers vegetarian food from meat sausages offered her generous local fishermen, not abandoned.
For dessert, we left most piquant animal from one species whose chaste ladies covered with paint, and all the others will fill with laughter. Found in Brazil, near the hydroelectric dam in the Amazon, eyeless creature cylindrical shape has a striking resemblance to male genitalia, for which he received such an apt name. Official name sounds kind of far more serious - Atretochoana eiselti.
According to scientists, the creature breathes through the skin and into the food actively uses worms and various small fishes, of which the Amazon dime a dozen. Despite the similarities with the snake is considered more correct classification of the detected species to Caecilians. While compare it with a frog or any other amphibian stubbornly fails. Total was found six of these creatures, but who knows what other secrets hides in its waters mysterious Amazon?
Cities where I want to stay forever
After studying numerous lists of the best cities to live in, we decided to create your list, which would include the city, often falling in the ratings of various editions.
Many publications and companies, including, for example, the British magazine «The Economist», an international consulting company «Mercer» and publication of "Monocle" annual rankings of the most comfortable for living cities in the world, guided by different criteria. Although their lists based on studies of economic indicators and socio-political development, health care, culture and education, as well as climate, housing affordability and geographical conditions vary, we have collected the top 5 of the cities noted in all ratings.
Accommodation in the Austrian capital, close to the conventional notion of the ideal life. Our extensive network of public transport and, consequently, reduce the gas content of the use of private cars, Vienna was one of the cleanest cities in the world. Magistrate departments responsible for environmental protection, working tirelessly: 51% of the city area is occupied by vegetation. Vienna is a member Conditioning Union uses Europe's largest power station, functioning biomass and awarded as a city, as close to sustainable waste management. The vast metropolis, there are many other advantages: a large part of health care services covered by the insurance, and property theft are less common than the fall of meteorites on Earth. Austrian capital offers excellent conditions for students and youth: the rent dorm rooms, including the costs of communal and Internet, ranging from 250 to 330 euros, and food costs do not exceed 200. And of course, do not forget about the rich cultural life and events outstanding architectural heritage of Vienna.
Another city, just designed for a comfortable stay, not just take the first lines in the world rankings. The largest settlement of Australia is famous for a variety of landscapes and a great climate. Blue Mountains and plateaus Hornsby Sydney protect against harsh winds, the Royal National Park provides its stock crystal clear air, and the blue edge of the Pacific Ocean brings refreshing breezes. On the financing of medicine that earned unconditional trust of city residents, substantial funds are allocated from the budget: from the state funded up to 93% of the cost of hospital services. Every Australian or an alien who has a residence permit, medical care becomes the owner of the card «Medicare», designed for unlimited access to a family doctor. The acquisition is very expensive, but very large estate (the minimum price of a house in the Sydney suburb starts from 180 thousand dollars) made on credit. For the poor and young families buying homes first joint work program of state aid. Well developed and the education system: Australian diplomas are highly regarded around the world and provide employment.
Properly using the benefits of infrastructure in Canada, the main city of British Columbia which year does not leave tops «Mercer» and "Monocle." In Vancouver, there are practically no street crime, and the total number of serious crimes and medium very low. According to the mayor, assuring that by 2020 the city will turn into the most environmentally friendly town planet with deeds. To reduce gassed locals pass for public transport and bicycles. There operates a unique system of automatic light metro Sky Train, providing transportation 364 thousand passengers a day. Canadian metropolis different tolerance and stunning: almost 2.5 million of its people have come from all over the world. Every day in Vancouver becomes a celebration is to celebrate and Chinese New Year, and Mardi Gras, and St. Patrick's Day. The city welcome everyone, because there are offices of large international companies and conducted shooting movies. Recently settle in Canada has become easier: the program «The Canadian Experience Class», employees who have worked on contract for two years, provided a residence permit.
Another city where I want to stay forever, located in New Zealand. In the biggest in the territory of the village there are all conditions for comfortable living: a great road surface, beautiful environment, good living conditions and a variety of attractions. In Auckland there is no piercing cold, and the only recorded synopticians snow fell 75 years ago. Although 90% of the adult population and is the owner of at least one vehicle, there is a good work of public transport. Moving on eight areas into which the Auckland provide buses, trains and ferries, introduced a system of tickets. As in all of New Zealand, the products are very cheap in the capital, and their diversity envy and owners elite Moscow supermarkets. Is not a problem, and finding housing, for those who are not ready to say goodbye to immediately 200 thousand dollars for a double cabin, working system of mortgage lending. Rent similar space varies from 180 to 400 dollars a week. Worthy of praise, and the health care system: a large part of the cost of medical services are covered by insurance (from $ 30 a month).
Like most other cities in Switzerland, Zurich can rightly be called the most-most. In the well-kept city on the shores of Lake wondrous created favorable conditions for accommodation of those who are not used to save money. Local transport is considered one of the most disciplined in the world: the movement of S-Bahn trains can synchronize watches. In parts not covered by the rail network, ply c intervals of 5-7 minutes and buses fly silently, without paying attention to plugs, electric trams. Although the cost of medical services in Zurich large (price single visit to the doctor costs from 60 to 300 francs), the Swiss health care is leading in the field of aesthetic medicine and child health improvement and provide residents with high life expectancy. Switzerland retains top position in the ranking of the quality and availability of food, although it was canceled and food cost a quarter more than in neighboring states. Zurich, full of ancient monuments and beautiful parks, and offers a large selection of properties - from mansions to modern apartments. Average cost of renting a room in a residential area will be about 1,200 francs a month.
Many publications and companies, including, for example, the British magazine «The Economist», an international consulting company «Mercer» and publication of "Monocle" annual rankings of the most comfortable for living cities in the world, guided by different criteria. Although their lists based on studies of economic indicators and socio-political development, health care, culture and education, as well as climate, housing affordability and geographical conditions vary, we have collected the top 5 of the cities noted in all ratings.
Another city, just designed for a comfortable stay, not just take the first lines in the world rankings. The largest settlement of Australia is famous for a variety of landscapes and a great climate. Blue Mountains and plateaus Hornsby Sydney protect against harsh winds, the Royal National Park provides its stock crystal clear air, and the blue edge of the Pacific Ocean brings refreshing breezes. On the financing of medicine that earned unconditional trust of city residents, substantial funds are allocated from the budget: from the state funded up to 93% of the cost of hospital services. Every Australian or an alien who has a residence permit, medical care becomes the owner of the card «Medicare», designed for unlimited access to a family doctor. The acquisition is very expensive, but very large estate (the minimum price of a house in the Sydney suburb starts from 180 thousand dollars) made on credit. For the poor and young families buying homes first joint work program of state aid. Well developed and the education system: Australian diplomas are highly regarded around the world and provide employment.
Properly using the benefits of infrastructure in Canada, the main city of British Columbia which year does not leave tops «Mercer» and "Monocle." In Vancouver, there are practically no street crime, and the total number of serious crimes and medium very low. According to the mayor, assuring that by 2020 the city will turn into the most environmentally friendly town planet with deeds. To reduce gassed locals pass for public transport and bicycles. There operates a unique system of automatic light metro Sky Train, providing transportation 364 thousand passengers a day. Canadian metropolis different tolerance and stunning: almost 2.5 million of its people have come from all over the world. Every day in Vancouver becomes a celebration is to celebrate and Chinese New Year, and Mardi Gras, and St. Patrick's Day. The city welcome everyone, because there are offices of large international companies and conducted shooting movies. Recently settle in Canada has become easier: the program «The Canadian Experience Class», employees who have worked on contract for two years, provided a residence permit.
Another city where I want to stay forever, located in New Zealand. In the biggest in the territory of the village there are all conditions for comfortable living: a great road surface, beautiful environment, good living conditions and a variety of attractions. In Auckland there is no piercing cold, and the only recorded synopticians snow fell 75 years ago. Although 90% of the adult population and is the owner of at least one vehicle, there is a good work of public transport. Moving on eight areas into which the Auckland provide buses, trains and ferries, introduced a system of tickets. As in all of New Zealand, the products are very cheap in the capital, and their diversity envy and owners elite Moscow supermarkets. Is not a problem, and finding housing, for those who are not ready to say goodbye to immediately 200 thousand dollars for a double cabin, working system of mortgage lending. Rent similar space varies from 180 to 400 dollars a week. Worthy of praise, and the health care system: a large part of the cost of medical services are covered by insurance (from $ 30 a month).
Like most other cities in Switzerland, Zurich can rightly be called the most-most. In the well-kept city on the shores of Lake wondrous created favorable conditions for accommodation of those who are not used to save money. Local transport is considered one of the most disciplined in the world: the movement of S-Bahn trains can synchronize watches. In parts not covered by the rail network, ply c intervals of 5-7 minutes and buses fly silently, without paying attention to plugs, electric trams. Although the cost of medical services in Zurich large (price single visit to the doctor costs from 60 to 300 francs), the Swiss health care is leading in the field of aesthetic medicine and child health improvement and provide residents with high life expectancy. Switzerland retains top position in the ranking of the quality and availability of food, although it was canceled and food cost a quarter more than in neighboring states. Zurich, full of ancient monuments and beautiful parks, and offers a large selection of properties - from mansions to modern apartments. Average cost of renting a room in a residential area will be about 1,200 francs a month.
10 mystical castles haunted
What can attract fans of the unknown and the supernatural more than medieval castles? Only locks with ghosts! Do not believe in ghosts? Perhaps a visit to these places will change your view.
Built in the eleventh century by William the Conqueror, the castle saw more battles than any other in Europe - so much violence going on in his halls. Most mystical place recognized as the "ghost tower", which became home to the ghost of Sir Fulk Greville. He was killed by his servant in 1628, and now appears every evening from his portrait hanging on the wall in the tower. Dungeon - another habitat of ghosts in the castle. Many complain of nausea and weakness when touching the rusty grating and devices for torture.
Built inside a cave Predjama Castle was a strong fortress that withstood numerous attacks and violent attacks. Yet in the XIV-XV centuries, the castle was destroyed by a series of long sieges and earthquakes. In 1567, the castle was restored, and together with numerous tunnels and secret passages, which to this day visit the ghosts of many killed in the castle. Of dungeons and tunnels under the castle distinctly heard various noises and footsteps.
Built in the late XII century castle Dragskholm now used as a luxury hotel. Make it known exactly one hundred ghosts roaming the corridors every night. We can only guess at how to "census" of the inhabitants. The best known are three: Grey Lady, Lady in White and Earl of Bothwell. The most sad story said Lady in White, who fell in love with a peasant. Her father found out about the affair and imprisoned daughter in the wall of one of the rooms that do not remember it. In the thirties, workers refurbish wing of the castle, in fact, found the skeleton of a young woman in a white robe in the wall. Grey Lady ministered in the castle. And after the death could not leave the place of work. So now it comes back occasionally to check on things. As for the Earl of Bothwell, he died in prison in prison, and his ghost still can not go beyond the castle.
The castle on the site was built during the Iron Age, so he had enough time to "acquire" ghosts. The most interesting story is connected with the castle chapel, where 1532 soldiers killed by the sword of his brother priest. And now a ghost priest lives in a room with a frightening name Bloody Chapel. Another scary spirit called a certain phenomenon, which is not like a man. Describe it as being the size of a sheep, but with a human face, and black sockets for eyes. His appearance can also be judged by the characteristic rotten smell. Dungeon as "overgrown" lots of horror stories. For example, if you believe one of them, there is room in the dungeon with a special hatch through which prisoners were thrown directly on numerous metal spikes embedded in the floor.
In the forests north of Prague has no ordinary lock, he had never been any attacks. The castle was built to hide something inside yourself. According to legend, pass this place led straight to hell, where one was set free poluchelovek-polumonstr. In the XIII century the local rulers decided to build a castle, to prevent access to the underworld. Prior to this, they lowered into the pit with a rope soldier. Soldiers gave a cry, and when he pulled out, he died a few days later. In 1930 the castle Houska drew the attention of Hitler. The Nazis began to use it for some secret experiments, and several bodies of Nazi soldiers were found at the bottom of death row. If you believe the rumors, also in the castle skeletons were found unearthly creatures. And witnesses noticed time and again in the castle ghosts headless black horse and a woman who keeps looming in the window.
MOOSH Castle - a wonderful example of the Austrian architecture and ghost stories. Built in the XII century, it is also known as the Witches Castle because of its sinister past. This place is the bloodiest witch trials in history. Between 1675 and 1687 years, thousands of women were called witches and sentenced to death by the Inquisition. They were tired of torture and lack of goals in the castle walls. Most of them continue to come to these halls, but in the form of ghosts. Besides the role of a platform for the execution of witches castle and served MOOSH werewolf lair. History can be traced to the beginning of the XIX century, when many mutilated cattle and deer carcasses were found near the castle. As a result, some residents Mooskhama tried and jailed as werewolves.
Castle de Bricco - the highest castle in France. Its seven floors located in the heart of the picturesque Loire Valley and is the most visited place in the world with ghosts. In the XI century owner of the manor was a certain Pierre de Breze. His wife Charlotte had an affair with the common man and used to comfort him chambers, located just over the wall from the room by her husband. Breese but not slept and listened to their moans of passion, night after night, until the two lovers disappeared mysteriously not. Probably Pierre de Breese made efforts for this event. Whatever happened, Pierre failed to destroy the lovers. Dark nights he continued to hear them moaning, until he started to go crazy and not run away from the castle. The sounds of their passion can be heard today.
Built in the XII century Edinburgh Castle is one of those places where atheists become believers once set foot on its threshold. Based on the site of an extinct volcano, it is a symbol of Scotland. According to some, this place is a paranormal point where visitors regularly appear before the figures of ghosts. So, Lady Glamis often seen wandering through the dark halls of the castle. She was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake in 1537. Since 1650 the castle became a ghost haunt a headless drummer boy. There is also a bagpiper, an old man in a leather apron and even a ghost dog, galloping near the cemetery. A castle of the tunnels can still hear the French prisoners, imprisoned during the Seven Years War.
Built in the XII century Edinburgh Castle is one of those places where atheists become believers once set foot on its threshold. Based on the site of an extinct volcano, it is a symbol of Scotland. According to some, this place is a paranormal point where visitors regularly appear before the figures of ghosts. So, Lady Glamis often seen wandering through the dark halls of the castle. She was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake in 1537. Since 1650 the castle became a ghost haunt a headless drummer boy. There is also a bagpiper, an old man in a leather apron and even a ghost dog, galloping near the cemetery. A castle of the tunnels can still hear the French prisoners, imprisoned during the Seven Years War.
Those who walked near the ruins of the castle Berry Pomeroy, could face the Blue Lady, which is tempting, luring them into the tower, where they died. She - the ghost of Lord Norman's daughter, was raped by her own father. Some argue that the child's father was strangled, while others attribute it to the most crime girl. Now her tortured ghost roams the grounds, as an omen of death, as some believe. Blue Lady - is not the only ghost haunting Castle Berry Pomeroy. White Lady, is believed to be the ghost of Margaret Pomeroy, who was locked his jealous sister Eleanor and left to die without food. Both sisters were in love with one man. In the XIX century castle Berry Pomeroy felt very romantic place. Many artists and fans frequented it, and it is rumored that one of them still managed to take a photo of the White Lady, standing near the ivy-covered walls.
Warwick Castle in England
Built in the eleventh century by William the Conqueror, the castle saw more battles than any other in Europe - so much violence going on in his halls. Most mystical place recognized as the "ghost tower", which became home to the ghost of Sir Fulk Greville. He was killed by his servant in 1628, and now appears every evening from his portrait hanging on the wall in the tower. Dungeon - another habitat of ghosts in the castle. Many complain of nausea and weakness when touching the rusty grating and devices for torture.
Predjama Castle in Slovenia
Built inside a cave Predjama Castle was a strong fortress that withstood numerous attacks and violent attacks. Yet in the XIV-XV centuries, the castle was destroyed by a series of long sieges and earthquakes. In 1567, the castle was restored, and together with numerous tunnels and secret passages, which to this day visit the ghosts of many killed in the castle. Of dungeons and tunnels under the castle distinctly heard various noises and footsteps.
Dragskholm Castle in Denmark
Built in the late XII century castle Dragskholm now used as a luxury hotel. Make it known exactly one hundred ghosts roaming the corridors every night. We can only guess at how to "census" of the inhabitants. The best known are three: Grey Lady, Lady in White and Earl of Bothwell. The most sad story said Lady in White, who fell in love with a peasant. Her father found out about the affair and imprisoned daughter in the wall of one of the rooms that do not remember it. In the thirties, workers refurbish wing of the castle, in fact, found the skeleton of a young woman in a white robe in the wall. Grey Lady ministered in the castle. And after the death could not leave the place of work. So now it comes back occasionally to check on things. As for the Earl of Bothwell, he died in prison in prison, and his ghost still can not go beyond the castle.
Leap Castle in Ireland
The castle on the site was built during the Iron Age, so he had enough time to "acquire" ghosts. The most interesting story is connected with the castle chapel, where 1532 soldiers killed by the sword of his brother priest. And now a ghost priest lives in a room with a frightening name Bloody Chapel. Another scary spirit called a certain phenomenon, which is not like a man. Describe it as being the size of a sheep, but with a human face, and black sockets for eyes. His appearance can also be judged by the characteristic rotten smell. Dungeon as "overgrown" lots of horror stories. For example, if you believe one of them, there is room in the dungeon with a special hatch through which prisoners were thrown directly on numerous metal spikes embedded in the floor.
Houska Castle in the Czech Republic
In the forests north of Prague has no ordinary lock, he had never been any attacks. The castle was built to hide something inside yourself. According to legend, pass this place led straight to hell, where one was set free poluchelovek-polumonstr. In the XIII century the local rulers decided to build a castle, to prevent access to the underworld. Prior to this, they lowered into the pit with a rope soldier. Soldiers gave a cry, and when he pulled out, he died a few days later. In 1930 the castle Houska drew the attention of Hitler. The Nazis began to use it for some secret experiments, and several bodies of Nazi soldiers were found at the bottom of death row. If you believe the rumors, also in the castle skeletons were found unearthly creatures. And witnesses noticed time and again in the castle ghosts headless black horse and a woman who keeps looming in the window.
MOOSH Castle in Austria
MOOSH Castle - a wonderful example of the Austrian architecture and ghost stories. Built in the XII century, it is also known as the Witches Castle because of its sinister past. This place is the bloodiest witch trials in history. Between 1675 and 1687 years, thousands of women were called witches and sentenced to death by the Inquisition. They were tired of torture and lack of goals in the castle walls. Most of them continue to come to these halls, but in the form of ghosts. Besides the role of a platform for the execution of witches castle and served MOOSH werewolf lair. History can be traced to the beginning of the XIX century, when many mutilated cattle and deer carcasses were found near the castle. As a result, some residents Mooskhama tried and jailed as werewolves.
Bricco de Castle in France
Castle de Bricco - the highest castle in France. Its seven floors located in the heart of the picturesque Loire Valley and is the most visited place in the world with ghosts. In the XI century owner of the manor was a certain Pierre de Breze. His wife Charlotte had an affair with the common man and used to comfort him chambers, located just over the wall from the room by her husband. Breese but not slept and listened to their moans of passion, night after night, until the two lovers disappeared mysteriously not. Probably Pierre de Breese made efforts for this event. Whatever happened, Pierre failed to destroy the lovers. Dark nights he continued to hear them moaning, until he started to go crazy and not run away from the castle. The sounds of their passion can be heard today.
Edinburgh Castle in Scotland
Built in the XII century Edinburgh Castle is one of those places where atheists become believers once set foot on its threshold. Based on the site of an extinct volcano, it is a symbol of Scotland. According to some, this place is a paranormal point where visitors regularly appear before the figures of ghosts. So, Lady Glamis often seen wandering through the dark halls of the castle. She was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake in 1537. Since 1650 the castle became a ghost haunt a headless drummer boy. There is also a bagpiper, an old man in a leather apron and even a ghost dog, galloping near the cemetery. A castle of the tunnels can still hear the French prisoners, imprisoned during the Seven Years War.
Edinburgh Castle in Scotland
Built in the XII century Edinburgh Castle is one of those places where atheists become believers once set foot on its threshold. Based on the site of an extinct volcano, it is a symbol of Scotland. According to some, this place is a paranormal point where visitors regularly appear before the figures of ghosts. So, Lady Glamis often seen wandering through the dark halls of the castle. She was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake in 1537. Since 1650 the castle became a ghost haunt a headless drummer boy. There is also a bagpiper, an old man in a leather apron and even a ghost dog, galloping near the cemetery. A castle of the tunnels can still hear the French prisoners, imprisoned during the Seven Years War.
Berry Pomeroy Castle in England
Those who walked near the ruins of the castle Berry Pomeroy, could face the Blue Lady, which is tempting, luring them into the tower, where they died. She - the ghost of Lord Norman's daughter, was raped by her own father. Some argue that the child's father was strangled, while others attribute it to the most crime girl. Now her tortured ghost roams the grounds, as an omen of death, as some believe. Blue Lady - is not the only ghost haunting Castle Berry Pomeroy. White Lady, is believed to be the ghost of Margaret Pomeroy, who was locked his jealous sister Eleanor and left to die without food. Both sisters were in love with one man. In the XIX century castle Berry Pomeroy felt very romantic place. Many artists and fans frequented it, and it is rumored that one of them still managed to take a photo of the White Lady, standing near the ivy-covered walls.
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