10 most beautiful shops of the world

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Large retail chains and developers are increasingly creating their new book shops and malls renowned architects, expecting unusual design will attract new buyers. We figured out how to look the most interesting shops in the world.

Sweet shop SunnyHills

beautiful shops of the world

Location: Tokyo, Japan

beautiful shops of the world

Opening date: 2013

beautiful shops of the world

Architect: Kengo Kuma

beautiful shops of the world
SunnyHills Taiwanese company is one of the leading confectionery networks in Southeast Asia. Its flagship product - pineapple tarts. However, the Japanese market for a new network came only last year. Create the first store entrusted minimalists Kengo Kuma, prefer to use environmentally friendly materials - small building made of thin wooden slats reminds both bamboo forests, and pineapple.


beautiful shops of the world

Location: Weil am Rhein, Germany

beautiful shops of the world

Opening date: 2010

beautiful shops of the world

Architect: Herzog and de Meuron

beautiful shops of the world

Owners furniturnogo firm Vitra not alien to good taste: in western Germany the company has its own campus, all buildings which are created by famous architects. One of the most spectacular buildings of the complex - show-room home furniture VitraHaus: Swiss Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron ironically redefined understanding may look like a modern building, folded it from a dozen archetypal Ridged homes.


beautiful shops of the world

Location: Malmo, Sweden

beautiful shops of the world

Opening date: 2012

beautiful shops of the world

Architect: Wingårdhs

beautiful shops of the world

Building Attraction: two years ago on the outskirts of Malmo opened one of the biggest Swedish malls. Architect Gert Vingord decided to diversify generally dull appearance of commercial buildings and decided the main facade in the form of a piece of fused amber - build immediately became a dominant feature of the new suburb.

Apple Store

beautiful shops of the world

Location: Worldwide

beautiful shops of the world

Opening date: 2001

beautiful shops of the world

Architect: Bohlin Cywinski Jackson

beautiful shops of the world

Apple has long been known for its haytekovymi shops - for a dozen years in 16 countries opened more than 400 points reteylovyh. Some of them are iconic status - for example, underground store on Fifth Avenue in New York, the entrance is decorated in the form of ten-glass cube with the bitten apple logo. You would think that Apple Store created by Norman Foster, but in fact almost all the shops architect is American Peter Bohlen, who invented the minimalistic but luxurious design network.


beautiful shops of the world

Location: Tokyo, Japan

beautiful shops of the world

Opening date: 2003

beautiful shops of the world

Architect: Herzog and de Meuron

beautiful shops of the world

Fashion houses can afford to cooperate with architectural superstars - especially stands out in this Prada. Back in the early 2000s Rem Koolhaas proposed use of unusual shops not only for the sale of goods, but for the global brand advertising, and this innovation is only increased revenues. However, the most interesting Prada store is not created, the Dutch architect and Swiss Herzog and de Meuron: Tokyo boutique looks like a crystal.

Gallery "Lafayette"

beautiful shops of the world

Location: Berlin, Germany

beautiful shops of the world

Opening date: 1995

beautiful shops of the world

Architect: Jean Nouvel

beautiful shops of the world

Gallery "Lafayette" in Berlin - the classic high-tech: Frenchman Jean Nouvel created a luxurious glass building department with unusual atrium, which is placed in an inverted cone, unexpectedly deforming space and sounds.
Shop Barbie dolls

beautiful shops of the world

Location: Shanghai, China

beautiful shops of the world

Opening date: 2009

beautiful shops of the world

Architect: Slade Architecture

beautiful shops of the world

The world's largest store of Mattel, the manufacturer of Barbie dolls, is located in Shanghai. It looks like a huge showcase and contains not only the shelves with hundreds of dolls and cafes and play areas.


beautiful shops of the world

Location: Mobile

beautiful shops of the world

Opening date: 2008

beautiful shops of the world

Architect: LOT-EK

beautiful shops of the world

Roll Shop Puma - unexpected example of modern environmental architecture that uses recycled materials. Three-storey building has collected dozens of containers, it is easy to modify and transported from place to place. Shop had time to visit Stockholm and Boston.

Hanjie Wanda Square

beautiful shops of the world

Location: Wuhan, China

beautiful shops of the world
Opening date: 2013

beautiful shops of the world

Architect: UNStudio

beautiful shops of the world

Luxurious shopping mall in Wuhan Chinese work of the Dutch UNStudio huge media facades covered with impressive lighting system - used to create it alyuminiemye panel and three million metal balls with integrated LEDs.


beautiful shops of the world

Location: Alessandria, Italy

beautiful shops of the world

Opening date: 2011

beautiful shops of the world

Architect: Iosa Ghini Associates

Ferrari flagship store was built from scratch in order to convey the spirit of the company. Showcase for small building tucked two racing car, and inside plant Visitors can buy souvenirs and branded clothing company.

Stunning African sunsets from Paul Goldstein

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Wildlife photographer Paul Goldstein spent years trying to take a picture of the perfect start and end of the day in the Masai Mara. This reserve is located on the south-western Kenya, and is named after the Masai tribe - the traditional population of the region - and the Mara River, which divides it. According to Goldstein, the Masai Mara is well known for its best light for photos, as well as the best places to capture the sunrise and sunset. Suggest you look at a small selection of his works.

Stunning African sunsets

Stunning African sunsets

Stunning African sunsets

Stunning African sunsets

Stunning African sunsets

Stunning African sunsets

Stunning African sunsets

Stunning African sunsets

Stunning African sunsets

Stunning African sunsets

Stunning African sunsets

Stunning African sunsets

Stunning African sunsets

Stunning African sunsets

Stunning African sunsets

Most interesting photos cherry blossom in 2014 year

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In Japan, cherry blossoms begins in April, after spring break when children return to school and adults - to work. The National Weather Service in Japan even tracks so-called "sakura front" - an imaginary line that runs every season from south to north and marks the flowering of these magnificent trees. Sakura is associated with the ancient Japanese tradition of Hanami, or picnic in the shade of flowering cherries. Sakura exist in China, and Korea, but nowhere it has such a deep cultural meaning as in the Land of the Rising Sun. And while enjoying views of the cherry blossoms against the backdrop of the best Japanese castle, mountain or imperial garden, grow this plant can even be in your city.

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

cherry blossom

How to care for breast during pregnancy?

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Regardless of how much you are delighted to her pregnancy, unfortunately, the fears and anxieties of the last plan did not depart. And these fears are quite natural, however, you can anticipate some problems and take care of their decision. First you have to pay increased attention to their chest. Even the smallest of education during pregnancy may begin to grow, and undeleted fibroadenoma (benign tumors) can block the milk ducts, interfere with lactation in the future and cause mastitis or other dangerous diseases.

How to care for breast during pregnancy

1. Why necessarily need to see a doctor?

Unfortunately, many mothers are somehow missing their trek to mammologist. This visit is very important for the health of the expectant mother. The doctor can tell you much more useful information than just how to take care of the breast. Mammolog tells you how to start breastfeeding, so as to avoid injury and other nipples other very important life moments that every mother should know. And more importantly, he will examine you! 
If any problems occur in women under 40 years, he will send her to a breast ultrasound. If a woman has more than 40, the doctor usually sends immediately urged her to do a mammogram.

Generally this procedure must pass every woman, and, as it is very stressful for the body, you must do it for two or three months before pregnancy.

You must go to mammologist if:

you already had several abortions or miscarriages;
you had or still have some problems related to the violation of the thyroid gland, cystic ovaries, uterine mother, breast fibroadenoma;
Your first pregnancy occurred after 30 years.
Your breast is a very vulnerable place on your body that requires special care during pregnancy.

2. Sunburn

Mammology not recommend sunbathing with naked breasts as intense sun exposure is very bad for her delicate skin. Be very careful when taking a sunbath during pregnancy and lactation. First, exposure to the sun can be harmful, and secondly, it can lead to dark spots.

3. Chest hair growth during pregnancy

Many women are very much concerned about the growth of hair on the chest during pregnancy. If they annoy you, get rid of them carefully, protecting the skin from inflammation and irritation potential.

4. Underwear for increasing breast

Wearing a very dense and tight underwear during pregnancy can seriously affect the chest, as she is now quite unstable period, it is growing, preparing for the process of feeding. Breasts increase in size and weight, so you definitely need to pick up a comfortable bra that would keep her well, not shrinking. You have to stop wearing your old bras and buy new, the most convenient and functional. Choosing the right bra is directly related to the fact she then droop or not.

5. Treating Breast

You probably have already heard about the tips that you need to wipe your nipples with a towel. Practice shows that this type of treatment is often irritating to the skin and nipple causes cracks in anticipation of breastfeeding. Furthermore, this treatment stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone which causes a reduction in the womb. After birth, this process helps to restore the uterus during pregnancy, but you can cause your child to the real harm. This increases the tone of the uterus and can cause premature labor.

Hardening of the breast can be useful only if you are completely quenched. Many studies have shown that this method did not improve lactation, so that the meaning of breast dousing with cold water no-no.

And you have already taken place as a mom? Tell us about your experiences in this issue! How you care for breast during pregnancy?

10 Useful seasonal products in June

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Many doctors say that the best use of a person brings it seasonal products. That is the reason for us the most useful thing to eat something that has grown right now or just getting ready to appear. Especially for you I have collected into one list of 10 products that are just right for the season now appear on our gardens and stores and easily nourish your body with its helpful staff. Be sure to add them into your diet.

1. Fresh Mint

Fresh Mint

Usually the season mint begins around June. It is very useful for those who suffer from gastrointestinal problems. Peppermint improves digestion, reduces acidity and soothes the stomach lining. She also literally recommended for those who suffer from insomnia. If you just incredibly tired at work, put in the kitchen small bunch of mint in a vase. Inhaling this wonderful aroma you fill your body with energy and restore it.

2. Sorrel


Usually sorrel begin collecting at the end of May, but even in the very beginning he was well absorbed in the body. The leaves contain a large number of sorrel carotene, vitamin D, K, ascorbic acid, oxalic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. It greatly helps with angina, sore throat, colitis, enterocolitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as anemia and pain .

3. Dandelions


In general, this cute flower is useful in many aspects, it is possible to benefit from all, from young leaves, roots and ending with fluffy flowers - all you can eat. Dandelion contains vitamins C, A, B2, E, PP, choline, salts of manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and even up to 5% protein. All this improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes metabolism and has a positive effect on the whole body. Dandelion is also famous for its high content of potassium and antioxidants. It is a natural analgesic and anti-viral agent.

4. Green peas

Green peas

Those who are very much wants to imagine a healthy skin , must include in your diet peas. It slows down the aging process, and reduces the risk of heart attack and cancer development.

5. Radish


Radish mustard oil gives slightly bitter taste, but at the same time enrich it with antiseptic properties. Radish also has a beneficial effect on digestion, increases appetite and has a mild laxative effect. It contains a lot of vitamin C, especially in tubers that pinkish color. It also sufficient vitamin B, vitamin PP and mineral substances, sodium, phosphorous, potassium, calcium and, of course, iron. But do not forget that the radish is contraindicated in people with the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as problems with the liver and kidneys.

6. Nettles


Despite its reputation as a weed, nettle is very useful for the body. It contains a lot of Vitamin C, A, B2, B6, beta carotene (in which it is greater than carrots), chlorophylls, glycosides, proteins and minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, and silicon). Nettle copes with beriberi, supports the immune system and improves mood. She also has a beneficial effect on digestion and the pancreas, which leads to normal metabolism. However, it increases the tone of the uterus, so nettle is contraindicated for pregnant women. You should not use in your diet is a plant, if you suffer from thrombosis and various blood diseases, as it thickens the blood.

7. Cabbage


Young cabbage contains a huge amount of vitamins (C, H, PP, B3, B2, B1, E and carotene, provitamin D Group, vegetable protein) and minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus). In addition, there is a lot of vitamin C, even more than in mandarins and lemons. Also in young cabbage contains tartronic acid, which slows down the accumulation of fat. Cabbage stimulates the blood, improves thyroid . Large amount of fiber contained in cabbage, a beneficial effect on intestinal activity, destroying cholesterol.

8. Asparagus


Asparagus contains a large amount of protein, fiber, vitamin A, C, T, A, copper, manganese, fiber, magnesium, carotene, coumarin, thiamine and folic acid. And that's not all. Thanks to this composition, asparagus charges us with energy, elevates mood, relieves symptoms of beriberi. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, regulates blood clotting. Carotene, found in asparagus, prevents cancer.

9. New Potatoes

new potatoes

This product contains a very powerful antioxidants that help maintain youthfulness. Potatoes are really useful, especially its sandpaper, so the young tubers better not clean.

10. Salad


In a salad full of vitamins, the most important among them are A, B1, B2, B5, B9, C, E, PP. It also contains sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements useful. Furthermore, there is lettuce comprising iron, iodine, copper, zinc, chromium, fluoride and many others. Lettuce is rich in folic acid, which helps to keep in good condition the human psyche. Thus, it is most useful to small children and the elderly. Lettuce juice is able to treat stomach ulcers, gastritis and duodenal ulcer. It contains lactucin and other trace elements that have a calming effect.