10 Useful seasonal products in June

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Many doctors say that the best use of a person brings it seasonal products. That is the reason for us the most useful thing to eat something that has grown right now or just getting ready to appear. Especially for you I have collected into one list of 10 products that are just right for the season now appear on our gardens and stores and easily nourish your body with its helpful staff. Be sure to add them into your diet.

1. Fresh Mint

Fresh Mint

Usually the season mint begins around June. It is very useful for those who suffer from gastrointestinal problems. Peppermint improves digestion, reduces acidity and soothes the stomach lining. She also literally recommended for those who suffer from insomnia. If you just incredibly tired at work, put in the kitchen small bunch of mint in a vase. Inhaling this wonderful aroma you fill your body with energy and restore it.

2. Sorrel


Usually sorrel begin collecting at the end of May, but even in the very beginning he was well absorbed in the body. The leaves contain a large number of sorrel carotene, vitamin D, K, ascorbic acid, oxalic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. It greatly helps with angina, sore throat, colitis, enterocolitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as anemia and pain .

3. Dandelions


In general, this cute flower is useful in many aspects, it is possible to benefit from all, from young leaves, roots and ending with fluffy flowers - all you can eat. Dandelion contains vitamins C, A, B2, E, PP, choline, salts of manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and even up to 5% protein. All this improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes metabolism and has a positive effect on the whole body. Dandelion is also famous for its high content of potassium and antioxidants. It is a natural analgesic and anti-viral agent.

4. Green peas

Green peas

Those who are very much wants to imagine a healthy skin , must include in your diet peas. It slows down the aging process, and reduces the risk of heart attack and cancer development.

5. Radish


Radish mustard oil gives slightly bitter taste, but at the same time enrich it with antiseptic properties. Radish also has a beneficial effect on digestion, increases appetite and has a mild laxative effect. It contains a lot of vitamin C, especially in tubers that pinkish color. It also sufficient vitamin B, vitamin PP and mineral substances, sodium, phosphorous, potassium, calcium and, of course, iron. But do not forget that the radish is contraindicated in people with the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as problems with the liver and kidneys.

6. Nettles


Despite its reputation as a weed, nettle is very useful for the body. It contains a lot of Vitamin C, A, B2, B6, beta carotene (in which it is greater than carrots), chlorophylls, glycosides, proteins and minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, and silicon). Nettle copes with beriberi, supports the immune system and improves mood. She also has a beneficial effect on digestion and the pancreas, which leads to normal metabolism. However, it increases the tone of the uterus, so nettle is contraindicated for pregnant women. You should not use in your diet is a plant, if you suffer from thrombosis and various blood diseases, as it thickens the blood.

7. Cabbage


Young cabbage contains a huge amount of vitamins (C, H, PP, B3, B2, B1, E and carotene, provitamin D Group, vegetable protein) and minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus). In addition, there is a lot of vitamin C, even more than in mandarins and lemons. Also in young cabbage contains tartronic acid, which slows down the accumulation of fat. Cabbage stimulates the blood, improves thyroid . Large amount of fiber contained in cabbage, a beneficial effect on intestinal activity, destroying cholesterol.

8. Asparagus


Asparagus contains a large amount of protein, fiber, vitamin A, C, T, A, copper, manganese, fiber, magnesium, carotene, coumarin, thiamine and folic acid. And that's not all. Thanks to this composition, asparagus charges us with energy, elevates mood, relieves symptoms of beriberi. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, regulates blood clotting. Carotene, found in asparagus, prevents cancer.

9. New Potatoes

new potatoes

This product contains a very powerful antioxidants that help maintain youthfulness. Potatoes are really useful, especially its sandpaper, so the young tubers better not clean.

10. Salad


In a salad full of vitamins, the most important among them are A, B1, B2, B5, B9, C, E, PP. It also contains sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements useful. Furthermore, there is lettuce comprising iron, iodine, copper, zinc, chromium, fluoride and many others. Lettuce is rich in folic acid, which helps to keep in good condition the human psyche. Thus, it is most useful to small children and the elderly. Lettuce juice is able to treat stomach ulcers, gastritis and duodenal ulcer. It contains lactucin and other trace elements that have a calming effect.

10 Useful Tips to stay in China

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This article will save you from a possible shame or even humiliation. We present a list of 10 things, which in any case do not need to do if you want to get a good dating in China. Please read our advice and do not forget about them.

10 Useful Tips to stay in China

1. Never accept a compliment graciously

You may find yourself in an uncomfortable position when, after a compliment the hostess at the expense of a delicious dinner, and she in turn tells you: "No, no, you dinner was just awful." Or you can tell my mom that her son is very smart and handsome guy, and she tells you that he is stupid and terrible. But these people are not trying to be rude and discourteous, on the contrary they are polite and modest. The moral is if you want a better and deeper understanding of the culture, it is necessary to apply a little less boasting and putting their positive qualities on display.

2. Never place a person in an awkward position

The worst thing that you can do in China - it publicly humiliate, or make inhabitant feel uncomfortable. Having made this, you put a person in an awkward position. Never point out errors, do not yell at people in public. Although such a rule, I think can be attributed to any country, no one would have been nice if they were publicly humiliated. But the good news is that you actually can also help a person to acquire the respect of others, if the right moment to praise him. Your mercy is much appreciated.

3. Never get angry in public

Public displays of anger perceived Chinese disapproval, and this is embarrassing, what they may encounter, especially if foreign tourists are angry. Note that this behavior is directly related to the public humiliation of the Chinese, especially the owners of those places where you are, avoid it by any means. The Chinese are very sensitive to harmony, so you have to go all out to try to be polite and patient.

10 Useful Tips to stay in China

4. Never for the first time do not refer to a man named

The Chinese, like other peoples of the world, there is a name. But in China the first time people are turning it by name, and not, as we used to, by name. Family, exactly as the team for this nation takes precedence over the individual. For example, John Smith, who lives somewhere in Kentucky, in Shanghai will be known as John Smith, and if you came to Li Ming, then be sure to contact him should Mr. Lee, not Mr. Ming.

Unlike people living in the west, the Chinese not too feels comfortable calling each other by name. Only members of the family or the closest people ever addressed to the person by name Ming. However, before the Chinese name can be prefixed lâo - old  - old to show their closeness and familiarity.

5. Never take food sticks in the wrong direction

Next time, sitting down at the table to the Chinese hostess, you may notice that the spoon - it is simply non-existent tradition. This is because the Chinese table for all the food put themselves or others using sticks, you need to flip the tip down, and then just put yourself or others at the plate.

6. Never drink alcohol before, without proposing a toast

Chinese banquet comprises from 8 to 10 and serves meals and a lot of alcohol. Sometimes you drink rice wine, and sometimes Máo Tái, known by the fact that as soon as possible knock out a few foreigners. Easiest way to slow down is to watch the Chinese etiquette, which suggests that before you take a drink, a person is obliged to propose a toast. This not only helps you to not get drunk too fast, but so you still vykazhite helpful hosts. However, if someone says toast «gân bçi», beware.

«Gân bçi» means "bottoms up", so you will need to drink all the drink very quickly. But do not worry. In reply, you can always tell shuí yì, which means "as you wish" and make only a small sip.

10 Useful Tips to stay in China

7. Never let someone else pay the bill for him not poborovshis

Many western tourists are surprised getting into a Chinese restaurant and watching the picture of utter chaos and noisy scenes. What's really going on: it comes time to pay the bill and everyone starts to do what is expected of them - to fight to be the one who pay the bill. Chinese believe rigueur loudly and violently rip hand account of someone who he was. Such a spectacle could be delayed for a few minutes until someone wins and not pay the bill. Always appreciated your willingness and ability to pay.

8. Never come to visit empty-handed

Chinese often exchange gifts and not just on special occasions. If you go for dinner to meet with business partners, or any other pre-planned event, both parties bring with them some gifts as a sign of friendship and respect. Western tourists are often surprised by the number of gifts from the Chinese hosts. The general rule is that heading to China, it is worth to take a lot of small gifts with them. Never know where to meet someone who wants to give you small gifts, so you need to bring your own.

9. Never accept food, drinks or gifts in front of this a couple of times without giving

No self-respecting guest will not immediately accept whatever offer he hosts. No matter how you hungry, or thirsty, or you can not wait to get a gift - Chinese etiquette suggests that you should not show it, sometimes you need to abandon proposed.

10 Useful Tips to stay in China

10. Never take the phrase, "No, thank you" literally

The Chinese people have already developed the habit will be to deny you a few times, even despite the fact that they are very hungry or thirsty. Never be taken first, "No, thank you" literally, even if the person you replied failure several times, do not be lazy to offer again. Good guest should refuse at least once, but a good boss to offer twice.

At first glance it may seem that it is rather strange tradition. But think again, do we not act in much the same? Are educated people in our country will be publicly humiliate another? No! Have we come to visit empty-handed? I think that is very rare. And coming to her friend, just as we say a couple of times, "Oh, no thanks, I'm not hungry!" I do not think we will be too hard to follow all these rules, although clearly hear from the owners to compliment the negative response will be a little weird! But we are with you now know that this is normal. And what about interesting Chinese traditions and taboos you know? Share it with us!

The best animal photos from around the world

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We made for you a selection of the best animal photos from around the world last week. Let's digress from everyday problems and the news and see how the last week of our smaller brethren.

best animal photos
Woman holds her leash pig waiting for the bus in Yangon. (Photo: AP)

best animal photos

White peacock in a zoo in Yokohama, Japan. (Photo: Getty Images)

best animal photos

Cubs with their mother under the open sky in the wildlife park in Germany. (Photo: AFP / Getty Images)

best animal photos

The zoo staff cleans teeth 30-year-old hippo named Kiboko at the zoo in Himeji, Japan. (Photo: Getty Images)

best animal photos

Heron preening on the eve of World Environment Day in Guwahati in the Indian state of Assam. (Photo: AP)

best animal photos

Birds fly at sunrise in Britain. (Photo: Solent News)

best animal photos

Hungry leopard attacks a porcupine in Kruger National Park, near Johannesburg, South Africa. (Photo: The Grosby Group)

best animal photos

The photo, taken on Thursday, yawning Amur tiger in a zoo in Schwerin, East Germany. (Photo: Jens Buettner / AP)

Indian 20 years eats bricks and stones

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30-year-old Pakkirappa Hunagundi from India as a child addicted to eating bricks, gravel and earth. Every day a man eats at least three kilograms of their favorite treats. At the same time such a diet does not bring him any harm - the Indian completely healthy teeth and digestive system. In addition, he plans to earn his unusual eating habits.

Indian 20 years eats bricks and stones

The 30-year-old resident of the Indian state of Karnataka can not get rid of the irresistible desire to eat bricks, stones or just dirt and sand.

Indian 20 years eats bricks and stones

Unnatural passion of a man appeared in childhood. He began to eat bricks and earth in 10 years and since then does not stop doing this.

Indian 20 years eats bricks and stones

 According to the man, his food does not affect the state of his health.

Indian 20 years eats bricks and stones

Now he eats three kilos of "materials" in the day without any consequences. Despite similar daily diet, the Indians quite healthy and whole teeth.

Indian 20 years eats bricks and stones

Pakirappy mother never ceases to dissuade his son to quit the habit. But in any man does not want to give up their taste preferences.

Indian 20 years eats bricks and stones

"Besides bricks, mud and stones, I do not like it. Even if you offer me the divine nectar, I will not touch him, "- he says.

Indian 20 years eats bricks and stones

According to doctors, the 30-year-old Indian suffers from a rare eating disorder called Pick's disease. It is characterized by a thrust-to-eat variety of inedible substances.

Indian 20 years eats bricks and stones

Once a man who works as a laborer in his village, fame came, he decided to travel around the country to demonstrate all his passion.

13 of the world's most terrifying mummies

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Probably all of you have watched horror movies about the revived mummy attacking people. These Evil Dead has always stirred the human imagination. But in reality, mummies do not carry anything terrible, representing an incredible archaeological value. In this issue you will find 13 real mummies that have survived to our time and are one of the most significant archaeological finds of modern times.

Mummy called specially treated chemical body of a living creature, which slows down the process of decay of tissues. Mummies are hundreds and even thousands of years, becoming a "window" in the ancient world. On the one hand, mummy look scary, some goosebumps run from one glance at these shriveled body, but on the other hand - they are incredible historical value, keeping a very interesting information about the life of the ancient world, customs, health and diet of our ancestors .

1. Screaming Mummy Museum of Guanajuato

world's most terrifying mummies

Museum mummies of Guanajuato in Mexico is one of the strangest and most terrible in the world, here collected 111 mummies that are naturally preserved mummified bodies of people, most of whom died during the second half of the XIX century and the first half of the XX century and were buried in the local cemetery " Pantheon St. Paula. " The museum's exhibits were exhumed during the period from 1865 to 1958, when there was a law requiring relatives to pay a tax for the bodies of their relatives were at the cemetery. If the tax was not paid on time, the family lost their right to the burial place and dead bodies were removed from the rock tombs. As it turned out, some of them were naturally mummified, and they were kept in a special building at the cemetery. Distorted facial expressions on some mummies indicate that they were buried alive.
In the late XIX - early XX century, these mummies began to attract tourists, and cemetery workers began to charge a fee for visiting the premises where they are stored. Officially, the date of formation of the Museum of Mummies in Guanajuato considered in 1969, when the mummies were displayed in glass shelves. Now the museum is visited annually by thousands of tourists.

2. Mummy boy from Greenland (place Kilakitsok)

world's most terrifying mummies

Near Greenland settlements Kilakitsok Located on the west coast of the largest island in the world in 1972 was discovered a whole family, mummified by the cold temperatures. Nine well-preserved bodies ancestors of the Eskimos who died in Greenland in a time when the Middle Ages in Europe reigned, aroused the interest of scientists, but one of them has become famous all over the world outside the scientific framework.
Owned year-old child (as anthropologists have established, suffers from Down's syndrome), it is more like some doll makes an indelible impression on the visitors of the National Museum of Greenland in Nuuk.

3. Biennial Rosalia Lombardo

world's most terrifying mummies

Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo in Italian - is an eerie place, a necropolis, attracting tourists from all over the world a variety of mummified bodies of varying degrees of preservation. But the character of this place - it's baby face Rosalia Lombardo year-old girl who died of pneumonia in 1920. Her father, unable to cope with grief, he turned to the well-known physician Alfredo Salafi keep asking her daughter's body.
Now it makes the hair on the head to move at all, without exception, visitors dungeons Palermo - a terrific way preserved, peaceful and so vivid that it seems as if only briefly dozed Rosalia, it makes an indelible impression.

4. Juanita from the Peruvian Andes

world's most terrifying mummies

Whether still a girl, whether already girl (called age of death from 11 to 15 years), named Juanita, gained worldwide fame in the rating of the best scientific discoveries by Time magazine because of its safety and terrible story that after finding mummies in ancient Settlement of the Incas in the Peruvian Andes in 1995 told the scientists. Brought to the gods in the XV century, it came to our days in almost perfect condition thanks to ice Andean peaks.
As part of the Museum of Andean Sanctuaries in Arequipa, mummy often goes on tour, exposing, for example, at the headquarters of the National Geographic Society in Washington, or in many areas of the rising sun, all different strange fondness for the mummified bodies.

5. Knight Christian Friedrich von Kalbutts, Germany

world's most terrifying mummies

This German knight lived in the period from 1651 to 1702. After his death his body turned into a mummy in a natural way and is now exposed for all to see.
According to legend, a knight was a great lover Kalbutts use the "right of the first night." In loving Christian had 11 children of their own and about three dozen bastards. In July 1690, he said his "right of the first night" about a young shepherd from the village bride Bakvitts, but she had him, and then killed her knight new husband. Detained, he swore before the judges, that's not my fault, otherwise "after the death of his body does not crumble to dust." Since Kalbutts was an aristocrat, his parole was enough to be acquitted and released. Knight died in 1702 at age 52 and was buried in the family tomb Kalbuttsev background. In 1783, the last representative of the dynasty died, and in 1794 the local church started a restoration, during which the tomb opened to rebury all dead family background Kalbutts on a regular cemetery. It was found that all but Christian Friedrich, decayed. The latter turned into a mummy, which has proven the fact that loving Knight was still a perjurer.

6. Mummy Egyptian Pharaoh - Ramses the Great

world's most terrifying mummies

Presented at the photo mummy of Pharaoh Ramses II (Ramses the Great), who died in 1213 BC. e. and is one of the most famous Egyptian pharaohs. It is believed that he was the ruler of Egypt during the campaign of Moses. One of the distinguishing features of this mummy is the presence of red hair, symbolizing the relationship with the god Seth - patron of imperial authority.
In 1974, Egyptologists have discovered that the mummy of Pharaoh Ramses II quickly deteriorates. It was decided to immediately take her plane to France for examination and restoration, for which the modern Egyptian mummies issued passport, and in the "occupation" wrote "King (deceased)." In Paris airport mummy greeted with full military honors, when relying visit of the head of state.

7. Mummy girls 18-19 years of Danish city Skrydstrup

world's most terrifying mummies

Mummy girls aged 18-19 years, buried in Denmark in 1300 BC. e. The deceased was a tall, slim girl with long blond hair, arranged in an intricate hairdo, something resembling "Babette" 1960s. According to her expensive clothes and jewelry can be assumed that it belonged to the family of the local elite. She was buried in a coffin made of oak, lined with grasses, so her body and clothing remarkably well preserved. Preservation would have been even better if a few years before the mummy was discovered, was not damaged layer of soil over the grave.

8. Iceman Ötzi

world's most terrifying mummies

Similaunsky person whose age at the time of opening was about 5,300 years, making it the oldest European mummy received from scientists nicknamed Ötzi. Found September 19, 1991 a pair of German tourists during a walk in the Tyrolean Alps, stumbled on a beautifully preserved by natural mummification ice remains resident Chalcolithic era, he created a furor in the scientific world - nowhere else in Europe did not find the perfect come down to the present day the bodies of our distant ancestors.
Now this tattooed mummy can be seen in the Archaeological Museum of Italian Bolzano. Like many other mummies, Ötzi curse supposedly enveloped by a halo: for several years under different circumstances, killing several people, one way or another connected with the study of the ice man.

9. Girl from Ida

world's most terrifying mummies

Girl of Ida (niderl. Meisje van Yde) - the name given to a well-preserved body of a teenage girl found in a peat bog near the village of Yde in the Netherlands. This mummy found May 12, 1897. The body was wrapped in a woolen cloak. Around the girl's neck was covered with woven of wool loop, indicating that it was executed for a crime or sacrificed. In the collarbone kept track of wounds. Skin have not been touched decomposition, which is typical for wetland bodies.
Results of radiocarbon analysis conducted in 1992 showed that she died at the age of about 16 years between 54 BC. e. year and 128 BC. e. Half shaved head corpse shortly before his death. The remaining hair is long, have a reddish tint. But it should be noted that all corpses hair caught in the swamp environment, acquire a reddish color as a result of the denaturalization of coloring pigment by acids located in the marshy soil.
Computed tomography has determined that during the life she had curvature of the spine. Further investigation led to the conclusion that the reason for this is likely, was the defeat of vertebral bone tuberculosis.

10. The man out of the quagmire Rendsvyuren

world's most terrifying mummies

Man of Rendsvyurena (Rendswühren), which also belongs to the so-called "bog people", was found not far from the German city of Kiel in 1871. At the time of the death of a man's age was between 40 and 50 years, and the study of the body showed that he died from a head blow.

11. Network I - Egyptian pharaoh in a tomb

world's most terrifying mummies

Superbly preserved mummy of Seti I and the remnants of the original wooden coffin were found in a cache of Deir el-Bahri in 1881. Seti I ruled Egypt during the period from 1290 to 1279. BC. e. Mummy of the pharaoh was buried in a specially prepared tomb.
Network is a minor character in a science fiction movie "The Mummy" and "The Mummy Returns", where he portrayed the pharaoh, who fell victim to a conspiracy of his High Priest Imhotep.

12. Mummy Princess Ukoka

world's most terrifying mummies

The mummy of the woman, nicknamed "Altai Princess" was found by archaeologists in 1993 Ukok Plateau and is one of the most significant discoveries of archeology late XX century. Researchers believe that the burial was done in V-III centuries BC, and refers to the period Pazyryk Altai.
During the excavation, archaeologists have discovered that the deck, which was placed in the body buried, filled with ice. That's why women are well preserved mummy. Burial was bricked in a layer of ice. It was of great interest to archaeologists, since in such circumstances could well remain very ancient things. The camera found six horses under saddle and with a harness, and the wooden deck of larch boarded bronze nails. Content burial clearly indicated nobility buried person.
The mummy was lying on his side with a slightly toned down. In her arms revealed numerous tattoos. Put on the mummy were silk shirt, wool skirt, felted socks, coat and wig. All these clothes were made very high quality and evidence of high status burial. She died at a young age (around 25 years old) and belonged to the elite of the Pazyryk society.

13. The Ice Maiden of the Inca tribe

world's most terrifying mummies

See also issue - Inca mummies of sacrificed children and women
This famous mummy girls aged 14-15 years, which the Incas sacrificed more than 500 years ago. It was discovered in 1999 on the slopes of the volcano Nevado Sabankaya. Adjacent to this mummy were discovered several children's bodies also have been subjected to mummification. The researchers suggest that these children were selected among others because of its beauty, and followed by many hundreds of kilometers across the country have been specially trained and sacrificed to the gods at the top of the volcano.

10 popular myths about airplanes

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Despite all the efforts of designers passenger planes flying even on the most comfortable and expensive places continue to be a serious challenge for both health and for the human psyche. It is not surprising that talk about flying a lot of stuff.

popular myths about airplanes

1. Accidentally open the door during flight represents a mortal danger.

Actually, this is true. Open door will cause cabin depressurization, with all its consequences. That's just to open the door during flight under force unless Superman. Therefore, if any of the passengers suddenly inadequate attempts to open the door, then everyone else to worry about. The only consequence of this silly antics is noise and fuss associated with subduing Brawler. A sealing doors while not quite hurt.
popular myths about airplanes

 2. Passengers can "suck" overboard even through the smallest gap in the body of the aircraft.

For rapid decompression, which may be followed substantial destruction airframe need to explode a bomb in the cabin or open fire. Small slits may cause a slow decompression, and crew time to take the necessary measures to save the aircraft and its passengers.

popular myths about airplanes

 3. Intoxication at high altitude is faster.

Team American popular science program "MythBusters" specifically put "experiment" to get the data, as they say, "first hand." As expected, the level of alcohol in the blood while having a drink on the ground and at a height were the same. But in a small hypoxia exposure undergone by people flying in an airplane, you can really get drunk faster. Sometimes people unaccustomed to fly, can feel a bit unpleasant intoxication, even if they did not drink any alcoholic beverages.

popular myths about airplanes

 4. Content toilets thrown straight into the air.

This is the perfect fudge. Modern aircraft onboard toilets cleaned only on the ground.

popular myths about airplanes

 5. If you click on the sink, sitting on the toilet, and you can get stuck there.

This is also nonsense. Even a very fat man is not able to create his own body as a sealed tube, it became necessary to pressure the difference. However, doing so is not recommended, but only for reasons of hygiene. Mikrobryzgi that will inevitably fall on the surface of the body, will not bring any benefit.

popular myths about airplanes

6. Circulation of air in the sealed cabin leads to the spread of infectious diseases.

Cabin, of course, permanently sealed. Yet the plane - it is not a submarine, and the air in it is constantly updated with fresh portions. Before you move to a new range of air necessarily passes through the entire filter system. Aircraft manufacturers claim that these filters can neutralize up to 99% of bacteria in the air. That's just, unfortunately, diseases are caused not only bacteria but also viruses that easily pass through any filters. Furthermore, pathogens can reside on any surface seat tables walls etc. Serious and expensive salon disinfection after each flight, of course, impossible to carry out. In short, a closed cabin space, crammed with many different people - it's not a spa resort.

popular myths about airplanes

 7. Seat belt can prevent the survival in a crash.

Of course, there is some probability that a person can not escape from the belt to quickly leave the plane. But the likelihood that a person will remain alive thanks to the belt, disproportionately. The design of the protective agent is constantly being improved, and there are plenty of tests to confirm its effectiveness, so ignore the seat belt on the plane - its madness.

popular myths about airplanes

 8. Pilots can reduce oxygen content in the cabin, passengers to enter into a sleepy state.

All pilots who asked this question, together called the idea is nonsense.

popular myths about airplanes

 9. Oxygen masks are dummies, designed to prevent panic.

That's not true. In fact, once the face was an oxygen mask, put her need instantly, without hesitation. Anoxia develops very rapidly and leads to a marked deceleration of all reactions. Therefore, if we consider the appropriateness of the mask and think about its application, it is possible to lose a precious moment, and no longer have time to use it.

popular myths about airplanes

 10. Survive in a plane crash almost impossible.

Catastrophe catastrophe strife. Today is a very frequent messages about the miraculous rescue of absolutely hopeless situations, and the loss of the aircraft, when it seemed that there were no signs of the tragedy. Statistics U.S. National Council for Transport Safety argues that the incidents occurred during passenger flights from 1983 to 2000, 95% of the passengers survived. I would like to believe it. After all, as the British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, there are "lies, blatant lies, and statistics."

popular myths about airplanes