Door Pura Lempuyang (Indonesia).

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The Pura Lempuyang is a Balinese Hindu temple has been among the curious sight of Indonesia and is located in the city of Bali . It is a place of worship for followers of Balinese Hinduism in Indonesia. Most are pure on the island of Bali, Hinduism is the predominant religion on the island, however there are many pure elsewhere in Indonesia where there are a significant number of people of Bali. The Mother Temple of Besakih is the most important, the largest and holiest temple in Bali. A large number of pure have been built throughout Bali, leading earning the nickname " Thousand Island Pure ", a striking curiosity to those who walk the journey for this island

There are two types of doors in the Balinese architecture: The door division, known as Bentar candi, and gate tower roof Paduraksa style, usually called kori agung. Both types of doors have specific roles in Balinese architectural design. Candi is Bentar door nist used in the mandala, while the kori agung used as a door between Madya Utama mandala and the mandala.

The curious albino turtle Sri Lanka.

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At other times we had told them the turtle Albina (Pelodiscus albino Sinensis) and Turtle Vietnamese   (Rafetus swinhoei), the world's largest turtle. This time writes curious albino turtle Sri Lanka , which has been endangered for which the refuge was created "Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery" in order to preserve the species.

In the southern coast of Sri Lanka, in the cities of Kosgoda, Kandakuliya and Rekawa these being the 3 most important since 1971, where this species has chosen places to lay their eggs. These are collected and taken to "Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery" to save them from humans, birds and crabs. Visiting this shelter is free and copies will never be released in order to keep them, because of the high risk that run outside.

Photos of the Coffee Region of Colombia.

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What places of Colombia coffee are grown?
The Coffee Region of Colombia declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 2011, also known as the Coffee or Coffee Triangle, is a wonderful and amazing topographic zone of Colombia, which has the optimal conditions for the production of coffee best qualities of imagined and represents one of the most beautiful sights and attractions  tour  of that country. 

The climate and geography determine these benefits. It is located in the departments of Quindio, Caldas, Risaralda, Antioquia southwest, the north-eastern region of Valle del Cauca and Tolima northwestern. We hope you enjoy them beautiful photos of the Coffee Region of Colombia.

The longest-lived animals in the world.

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Questions such as the following Internet Web inundated in a sea of questions: Who are the most long-lived animals ,? do have life expectancy ,? what are the longest-lived animals on the planet ,? What is the best hope for animal life ?? What are the animals that live and what is its lifetime ?? what is the animal live longer ? To reach the ocean shore of the questions they approached The 5 World older animals .

With the evolution of scientific advancement man has exponentially increased their average life reaching considerable nieveles. A purpose is to recommend relevant article we wrote about one year ago Men and women live longer World , but in the animal world and in some species the thirst-life expectancies are concerning us. What if animals have immortal? Well sometimes exceeds reality to fantasy and the first case we get closer than continues this path, that of an immortal animal.

1) Turritopsis nutricula jellyfish immortal animal.

The Turritopsis nutricula, it is a jellyfish that inhabits the seas around the world, is not only the longest in years animal, but it is truly immortal, as were the elves in the fables of Tolkien are extremely small, and no can exceed 1 inch, life cycle passes its immature stage to full maturity, then reverse your condition and go back again a cycle that never ends comprising. It is for this rarity is immortal unless preyed victim of pollution or an unexpected change of temperature. Reproductive capacity is greater and according to marine biologists specimens there is growing around the world.

2) The antarctic Cinachyra sponge.

Also named the Antarctic sponge, this animal lives in the colder seas of the dreaded south pole, is the world's oldest known living creature and their life expectancy exceeds 1500 years.

3) The Clam Iceland.

Iceland clam (Arctica islands) is a mollusk that lives the northern seas of the Atlantic Ocean from the coast of Iceland and the U.S. to Spain, has a long life. Specimens have been found with more than 500 years. Such is the case of Ming one specimen found dating back to 1499, when Columbus was born almost came to America.

4) The incredible Galapagos Islands Turtle.

They can live for 250 years. We recently wrote an entry with the death of the last specimen of this species native "Lonesome George," we recommend you visit the publication .

5) Koi Fish.

It is much like the tents, it has beautiful colors (more than 20 different types) and is easily reproduced massively. Live 200 years and is very common in tattoo designs among Japanese. The real name of these fish koi is "Nishikigoi" (literally "wave carp"). This fish symbolizes love and friendship in the great Japan. It happens that the word "koi" in Japanese denotes the meaning simply of the word "fish" however sounds like a Japanese word for "love / affection" (It's something like a pun. The koi is associated the fantastic legends of dragons.

Men and women live longer (old) World. Myths and reliable data.

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Men and women live longer (old) World. Myths and reliable data.

Myths or realities?

1)  Li Ching-Yun 256 years (not tested).
2)  Bautista de la Candelaria 126 years (not tested).
3)  Jeanne Louise Calment 122 years ( Accredited ).
4)  Maria Pereira Lucimar 121 years (not tested).
5)  Izumi Shigechiyo 120 years ( Accredited ).
6)  Christian Mortensen 115 years ( Accredited ).
7)  Emiliano Mercado del Toro ( Accredited ).

Li Ching-Yun ( image above ) was a renowned Chinese herbalist who the American newspaper New York Times in 1933 attribute 256 years old. Li Ching-Yun was a martial arts teacher, and practitioner of meditation tao. Apart from being a director in military tactics took refuge in Tibet where herbs gathered under did stay fit.

His photograph was made only to the 250 years and little is known of reliable data to support the age that was allocated.

Speaking of hard data recorded ranks third as the longest World Emiliano Mercado del Toro (3rd photo below ) . Born in 1891 in Puerto Rico and died in 2007 114 years and 9 months.

Second Christian Mortensen (2nd photo below ) , a Danish citizen who died at 115 years and 252 days.

Shigechiyo Izumi ( the 4th photo below ) accredited ranks first among men was a Japanese who died at 120 years.

The oldest person tested is the French Jeanne Louise Calment ( 1st photo below ) with 122 years and 164 days. Maria Pereira 121 years Brazilian Lucimar unproven. Juana Bautista de la Candelaria 126 years Cuban unproven.

Amazing Cumberland Island.

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It is unlikely to find three types of miscellaneous ecosystems on one island and this is the case of Cumberland Island and Cumberland Island , which forms the westernmost of the United States in the Atlantic Ocean Earth point. 

Starting amazing oak trees surrounded by Spanish moss, which gives them the appearance of an enchanted forest extracted from the Lord of the Rings; vast palm groves of palm to incredible beaches inhabited by wild horses can be seen in this strange island belonging to the state of Georgia.

At the time the Spanish arrived in 1566, to name it the Island of San Pedro, built a garrison and mission of San Pedro de Mocama. The Mocama was Native Americans, people living in coastal areas of what are now northern Florida and southeastern Georgia and spoke a dialect known as Timucua language. The island was under the rule of the chieftainship Tacatacuru. In 1683, French pirates attacked Cumberland Island, producing the looting and burning of many buildings. Many indigenous and Spanish missionaries fled the island.

An attack in 1684 by the Spanish pirate Thomas Jingle led to the final abandonment of the island. In the late seventeenth century the organization was Mocama disintegrated due to wars and infectious diseases. Most of the Mocamas had converted to Christianity before leaving the island.

  In 1733 the British took the island, erecting a fortress in the southernmost point of the island called Fort William. 

After the British defeated the Spanish at the Battle of Bloody Marsh in 1742, the need for strong finished.

When the naturalist William Bartram visited it in 1774 the island was virtually uninhabited. 

At the time of the great oak plantations began in 1783 until 1880 when it was purchased by the Carnegie family for their winter vacation retreat. These were Scottish steel magnates, built on the island Dungeness Mansion, golf courses, swimming pools and 40 buildings to house 200 staff.

With the Great Depression remained empty mansion and Carnegie stopped frequenting the island. The mansion was burned by a poacher, Carnegie nowadays is owners of 90% of the island. Currently, Cumberland is a nature reserve. The island is famous for its wild horses, are also sharks in it its shores, white-tailed deer, squirrels, raccoons, nine-banded armadillos, wild boar and American crocodiles. The island is only accessible by boat.

A flowering desert in Atacama (Chile).

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A flowery Atacama desert, Chile_  In the driest place on earth, between September and November, begins a wonderful phenomenon where hundreds of species of flowers lining the floor of this amazing wilderness.

This event only occurs in this part of the world, meets rains during these months, making reborn bulbs and seeds sprout in a place where life seems not exist throughout the year.

200 species of flowers found in the desert of Atacama , are endemic to the place and can not be displayed elsewhere on the planet. 
This event is directly related to the El Niño phenomenon that overheats the currents of the Chilean coast, creating the beginning rainfall in this amazing wilderness .

The Fagaras, Transylvania (Romania) mountains.

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In the province of Brasov are the mountains Fagaras , the highest point of the Southern Carpathians and the vast region of Transylvania core territory of historical Voivodeship. One of the curiosities of Romania when planning a trip to Eastern Europe.

In this wonderful area inhabited castle, ghosts of warriors, wolves, bears, deer and wild boars, we find the small town of Fagaras with only 28,000 inhabitants. Over the years these lands were occupied by Romans, Greeks, Mongols, Goths, Huns, Avars, Slavs, Magyars and Bulgarians.

The best route to explore this area is the road called the Transfăgărăşan running through the mountains  Fagaras . Usually open only between June and September, due to unfavorable weather conditions in the rest of the year. Les closer images of the Fagaras mountains, an area full of stories and legends of vampires.